

At Starling, we’re committed to doing our part to fight climate change. 作为这一承诺的一部分,我们努力 减少碳排放 and invest in environmental community projects to offset them.

Here are the projects we’ve chosen to support, guided by feedback from our staff. All seven remove the harmful greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere or avoid further emissions. And all seven are Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or Gold Standard Verified Emission Reduction (GS VER) projects, 这意味着它们已经被独立认证.

There are no quick fixes for climate change and investing in certified carbon offsetting projects is only a partial solution. The carbon market itself is young and certification methods are evolving all the time, which is why we work continuously to understand best practice so that we can align with it. 我们开始 抵消我们的碳排放 in 2021.


Three of the projects centre on preventing deforestation or planting and looking after forests. 树木从大气中吸收二氧化碳并储存起来. They’re also critical for the survival of many endangered species that live in forests.

的卡里巴湖 REDD + 津巴布韦项目 旨在防止森林砍伐 通过改善当地人民的生计. 而不是靠木材赚钱, they are empowered to support their families through agriculture, 养蜂, 薪材种植园和火灾管理.

The Mai Ndombe REDD + Project based in the Congo Basin also directly involves local people. 这个项目 保护248,956公顷 从工业采伐的森林, unsustainable fuel wood extraction and slash and burn agriculture, 从而有助于防止释放二氧化碳的活动. 这个项目 is able to generate revenue through carbon credits, bought by companies like us looking to offset their emissions, and some of this revenue goes to local people to benefit their community. For example, they plan to build a minimum of 20 schools and repair and extend two hospitals.

The Uganda International Small Group Tree Planting project works closely with smallholder Ugandan farmers to train and incentivise them to plant trees on their land. 这个项目 also brings small groups together to fight deforestation and provides training on setting up plant nurseries, 预防疟疾和艾滋病毒/艾滋病, 建造节能炉灶. 到目前为止,已经建立了近300个小组.


In Tanzania, we’re supporting a project that’s committed to distributing and 安装50万个节能炉灶 全国各地. In the next ten years, the project will avoid the production of more than 18.8 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, generated by less efficient cookstoves.

该项目特别有利于妇女, 经常负责做饭, due to the lower air pollution in their homes and the reduced time needed to prepare a meal. They can then use the time otherwise spent cooking to do paid work or other activities.


We’re also supporting three projects related to renewable energy: wind power in India, 保加利亚的沼气和肯尼亚的太阳能水泵. 风力是由6个风力涡轮机产生的 输往印度电网. 该项目由Powerica运行.

库布拉托沃废水沼气项目是一个 减少甲烷排放 还有一个能源生产项目. 甲烷和二氧化碳一样,是一种温室气体. 这个项目 is expected to reduce carbon emissions by around 61,每年000吨, 哪个相当于12个单位的碳足迹,200 people - about the number of people who live in the town of Halstead, 苏格兰东海岸的埃塞克斯或蒙特罗斯.

The solar water pumps produced by SunCulture enable smallholder farmers to use more sustainable and reliable agricultural practices by replacing petrol or diesel pumps that emit harmful CO2. The revenue generated from carbon credits linked to the project is used to lower the price of the solar irrigation systems to make them less expensive than the original pumps. SunCulture is based in Kenya and plans to scale up so that the pumps can be made available in countries across Africa.

Starling has purchased carbon credits for these projects through three organisations: Ecologi, 碳足迹和贴片. We’ve continued to work with Carbon Footprint for the second year running, 并连接到Patch through 科技零这是一个气候行动组织,我们是其创始成员之一.


