

Each week we interview one of our members to find out a bit more about them and their work in the Greater Manchester digital sphere. 本周我们将与 Venditan, an e-commerce agency who build powerful, reliable solutions for ambitious retailers & 分销商.


在Venditan, we build state of the art eCommerce websites and help independent retailers manage their entire business operation through a single platform. Our mission is to continually develop and innovate our technology so we can help independent retailers secure a stable future and thrive. 

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

最大的问题之一, especially for tech companies in Manchester is attracting the right time of technical talent. We’re seeing huge growth in the digital sector in Manchester, there are so many exciting digital start-ups, 然而, this is paired with a talent shortage and skills gap. Companies are going to have to really up their game in order to attract the best candidates and retain staff. 

In terms of retail and eCommerce technologies, the biggest issues we see are the need to move away from legacy systems and ensure you’re adopting an omnichannel approach. It’s also a really competitive landscape for many retail sectors, so it is imperative you keep up with the latest advances and make sure you follow best practice at all times as consumers have a wider choice than they’ve ever had.

作为零售商, understanding customers rather than trying to wow them and connecting with them through their mobile devices - therefore becoming part of their lifestyle - will continue to be a key part of any retailers strategy. 

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

There are so many achievements we’re proud of and over the years we’ve had the absolute pleasure of working with some fantastic brands and helping them grow. 

The growth of Venditan is a really proud achievement. 我们在全球最大的博彩平台有很多同行, 这太棒了, but it’s great to know we’ve got the experience and managed to adapt to changes in the economy and retail over the past 20 years. 

What would you consider to be your organisation's biggest challenge?

Staying ahead of the competition with leading-edge technology. Manchester has many talented tech teams which we’re very proud of so there’s a competitive, 但友好, edge to ensuring your technology stays at the forefront as it’s vital for customer retention. 

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

We love Manchester because it’s a powerhouse of progressive technology, and has been at the forefront of innovation for centuries - it’s so exciting to be a part of this rich history. There’s been so much investment in digital and tech here lately, so we can only project that the future for the sector in Manchester is going to continue to grow and expand. It’s a really friendly and collaborative place too, with the competition comes many great partnerships and connections - it’s a real hive of innovation and leadership where we’re all happy to roll up our sleeves and grow together. 

Tell us something we might not know about your company?

Our brand name ‘Venditan’ derives from the Latin word Vendre (to Sell), combined with Titan; showing that collectively, we’re a powerful and influential driving force in the world of retail. 


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