
Women in Cyber 和 Tech: Embracing Diversity 和 Inclusion

近年来, the tech industry has made significant strides toward gender diversity, 但仍有许多工作要做, 特别是在网络安全方面. The representation of women in cyber roles is gradually increasing, 然而,性别差距仍然很明显. 这篇博文探讨了当前的形势, 亮点事件, 和 emphasises the North West Cyber Security Cluster’s (NWCSC) commitment to supporting women in the cyber security 和 tech sectors.


Despite efforts to close the gender gap, women remain underrepresented in cyber security. 根据英国政府的 2023年英国劳动力市场的网络安全技能 report, women constitute just 17% of the cyber security workforce. This marks a concerning 5% decrease from the 22% reported in the previous year. In comparison, women made up 16% of the workforce in the 2021 report 和 15% in the 2020 report. Despite previous years showing a slow but steady increase, this recent decline highlights the urgent need for renewed efforts to attract 和 retain women in the cyber security field.

There are many organisations making efforts to address this 和 support women in the industry. 专业人士聚集在一起的活动, 提倡, 和 allies play a crucial role in fostering a more inclusive environment 和 providing women with the resources 和 networks they need to thrive.

Association of Brilliant Cyber-AI (ABC) Women Event: A Milestone in Empowerment

On Monday, 20th May, we had the privilege of attending the inaugural 美国广播公司(ABC)的女性 事件 at DiSH Manchester, “Balancing Act: Ethical Dilemmas in IoT 和 AI”. 这一事件是一个重要的里程碑, 提供一个下午的社交活动, 灵感, 以及在网络和科技领域赋予女性权力.

希瑟Lowrie from the University of Manchester delivered an insightful talk titled “Ethics in the Internet of Things. Building Resilience: Strategic Response to 和 Recovery from Cyber Attack at the University of Manchester”, underscoring the importance of 弹性 in our increasingly connected world.

基利克罗克特 from The Manchester Metropolitan University followed with her enlightening presentation, “Empowering People: Illuminating the Impact of Public Engagement in the Age of Ethical Artificial Intelligence”, highlighting how empowering people can lead to more responsible 和 inclusive technological advancements.

The 美国广播公司(ABC)的女性 事件 provided a fantastic networking opportunity, 周围都是鼓舞人心的女性, 并为该行业未来的活动设定了高标准.

A big thank you for the invitation, 和 congratulations to 阿尔萨·蒂比特,图斯卡·达格希,塔拉·罗杰斯背部Samavi 谢谢你举办了这么精彩的活动.


5月23日星期四,我们参加了 数字她 事件, “Lift as you climb: How you can be a real champion for inclusion”, 由全球最大的博彩平台数字在DTX举行. This 事件 featured a panel discussion with industry leaders, including Ruby福斯特 (xDesign), Tripti阿尼尔 (Kellanova), 希拉里·斯蒂芬森 (Nexer Digital)和 苏菲布朗 (Flowlio).

The panel discussed strategies for empowering women in tech, focusing on actionable steps that individuals 和 organisations can take to support diverse women to thrive in their careers. The 事件 also included lightning talks highlighting remarkable allies 和 提倡 who showcased their impactful initiatives 和 practical ways to make a difference.

The 数字她 事件 was a testament to the power of community 和 the importance of championing inclusion within the tech industry. Thank you to 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 for organising such a fantastic 事件 和 providing a platform for these important 和 meaningful conversations.



我们还参加了 女性在商业和技术博览会 6月4日星期二,在全球最大的博彩平台举行. 这次活动提供了丰富的有见地的谈话, 小组讨论, 以及社交机会, bringing together women from various sectors to share knowledge 和 experiences.

The expo underscored the importance of providing platforms where women can connect, learn, 和 grow. The discussions highlighted the need for continuous support 和 mentorship to ensure that women not only enter the tech field but also advance 和 lead.


在NWCSC, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where women in cyber security can thrive. Over the next 12 months, we are excited to announce a series of 整个西北地区的“网络女性”活动. 这些活动将提供学习的机会, 网络和专业发展, aiming to support women at all stages of their cyber security careers.

We are actively seeking ideas, suggestions, speakers, 和 sponsors to help shape these 事件s. Your input 和 participation are crucial in making these initiatives successful. 在一起, we can create a supportive community that encourages more women to join 和 excel in the cyber security sector.

If you have ideas or suggestions for our upcoming ‘Women in Cyber’ 事件s, 或者如果你有兴趣演讲或赞助, 请与我们联系. Your contributions can help make a significant impact on the future of women in cyber security.

Let’s work together to make the North West a hub of innovation, 弹性, 以及网络世界的包容性. 通过在科技领域支持和赋予女性权力, 我们可以建立一个更强大的, 更加多样化的, 以及更安全的数字环境.


