
宣布微软应用技能, the new credentials to verify in-dem和 technical skills

At 微软学习, our goal is to help you acquire the technical skills you need to reach your full potential 和 succeed in a rapidly changing technological l和scape. Each year, we help millions of learners gain expertise by developing 和 validating skills. 人工智能的进展, 云计算, 和 emerging technologies have made it more important than ever to demonstrate your proficiency in the most sought-after technical skills. 因此,组织正在迅速采用 以技术为基础的方法 as they search for the right people, with the right skills, at the right time. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new way for you to prove your technical skills for specific, 真实的场景. 它改变了游戏规则. 这是 微软应用技能.



我们很激动地向大家介绍 微软应用技能, a new verifiable credential that validates that you have the targeted skills needed to implement critical projects aligned to business goals 和 objectives. Applied Skills gives you a new opportunity to put your skills center stage, empowering you to showcase what you can do 和 what you can bring to key projects in your organization.





“Organizations are searching for talent that can spearhead their most transformational projects in 云计算 和 AI,” 金埃克斯, 公司副总裁, Microsoft Customer 和 Partner Solutions Enablement 和 Operations, 指出的那样. “With 微软应用技能, we are offering a streamlined path to validate someone’s skills. So, 无论你是招聘经理, 招聘人员, 或者只是一个想要合作的队友, 当您看到经过Microsoft验证的凭证时, you know that you can trust that individual to do the task at h和.”  



检查初始凭据集 we have available now, offered at no cost for a limited time. 证书最初将只提供英文, 和 we plan to roll out additional languages beginning in late December.


  • Azure文件和Azure Blob存储的安全存储
  • Configure secure access to your workloads using Azure networking
  • 部署和配置Azure Monitor
  • 使用Azure Kubernetes Service部署容器
  • 开发ASP.使用API的。NET Core web应用程序
  • Secure Azure services 和 workloads with Microsoft Defender for Cloud regulatory compliance controls
  • Configure SIEM security operations using Microsoft Sentinel
  • Create 和 manage automated processes by using Power Automate


我们才刚刚开始!  更多新闻分享 微软点燃, including credentials focused on AI 和 other business scenarios, such as:

  • Create an intelligent document processing solution with Azure AI Document Intelligence
  • Build a natural language processing solution with Azure AI Services
  • Build an Azure AI Vision solution with Azure AI services
  • 使用Power Platform创建和管理应用程序
  • 将SQL Server工作负载迁移到Azure SQL



The process to earn your new credential is straightforward 和 flexible. 


  1. 准备可选培训, including free self-paced learning paths (available now on 微软学习), 以及教师指导的培训(2024年初开始).
  2. Earn your credential by passing an online, interactive, lab-based assessment that takes you through a series of scenario-based tasks in products like Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Power Platform. The lab assessment is available directly from 微软学习.
  3. 庆祝并分享你的新证书和技能. 一旦你通过了评估, you’ll receive a credential verified by Microsoft that can be easily shared to your LinkedIn profile giving you the opportunity to showcase your skills to your professional network.


Bridging the skills gap 和 finding talent with 微软应用技能

当我与客户和合作伙伴见面时, I enjoy getting their insights about how Microsoft products 和 services can benefit their organizations. 在微软应用技能私人预览期间, they shared how this credential can help them efficiently pinpoint talent—within their organization or when hiring—with the specific technical skills they need to solve problems 和 implement better solutions.


最近担任集团学习主管Cihan g ns r & 开发和敏捷转换 Koc控股 我有话要说. “微软应用技能 credentials provide an agile way to fill skill gaps. 有了这些证书, we can quickly get our workforce skilled up to cover critical needs in a matter of days—not weeks or months. 我们计划将应用技能纳入我们的 未来工作计划 训练超过7人,000名员工, helping us to drive cloud 和 AI transformation across all Koç Group affiliates.”  


Microsoft Credentials: Certifications, Applied Skills, or both?

30多年了, our industry-recognized certifications have provided proof of world-class technical proficiency for in-dem和 job roles. 在当今瞬息万变的商业环境中, there are also times when you need verified project-specific skills, 如应用技能证书所提供的.


The complementary Microsoft Certifications 和 微软应用技能 are all you need to take charge of your career 和 become indispensable. And you might be wondering which path is right for you or how you might combine them.


有一个简单的信息图表可以帮助你做出决定. 在以下网址找到 选择你的微软证书.



敬请期待更多精彩更新! 你不会想错过的 微软点燃, 将于11月15日至16日上映, 2023, 听取有关新可用证书的公告, 人工智能相关培训, 我们在路线图上计划了什么, 和更多的.


跟着我们走 XLinkedIn, 和 make sure you’re subscribed to “The Spark,” our recently enhanced LinkedIn通讯

