
Coronavirus: What support is available for tech businesses?

As the Government bring in stricter measures to enforce social distancing we want to look at what support has been provided for businesses and their employees.

Before we do, please note the following Manchester Digital initiatives.

  • COVID-19调查-我们如何提供帮助 - Please take part in this survey to inform us of the impact you’ve felt so far, 以及你需要我们的什么支持. 反馈将被发送给政府.

  • 自由职业者住所: This video shows the recording of our event in which the self-employed quizzed experts about the Chancellor's support package

  • #MDTechCommunity Slack Channel - Our Slack channel boasts over 250 members and has a dedicated #coronavirus channel in which members are sharing tips, 建议, 互相支持.


As the Government all but puts the UK into lockdown, we take a look at 总理苏纳克的 new policies aimed at supporting businesses through the crisis. 同时 已经宣布了许多新措施, we are hearing that freelancers and the self-employed feel forgotten about in the Chancellor’s plans so far. It is estimated that t在这里 are over 5 million self-employed people in the UK, making up 15% of the labour market – as such we will be pressing government for support for freelancers.


Manchester Digital is currently putting a survey together that will fully understand the concerns freelancer’s hold. We will also be releasing a series of guides to go along our already published 会员制自由职业者法律模板


With that in mind, let’s look at what has been announced so far.


主要政策构成了经济的支柱 财政大臣的3500亿英镑支持计划 包括:



So is t在这里 no support for self-employed and freelance businesses?


在危机期间, the Universal Credit minimum income floor will be relaxed if you are sick with Corona or self-isolating

  • People can claim Universal Credit and access upfront payments without going to the jobcentre if they are self-isolating

  • 就业 & 支持 Allowance can be paid you’re sick with Corona or self-isolating from day 1 (instead of the usual day 8)

  • Universal Credit has been increased by £1,000 a year for the next 12 months.

  • All self-assessment payments for businesses will be deferred to 2021.

  • 有关就业及支援津贴的资料如下 在这里 和通用信贷 在这里

It’s worth noting that the HM Treasury told the BBC the government was "working hard on further measures to support the self-employed".

How can I apply for the Business Interruption Loan Scheme?

If you are a UK-based SME with an annual turnover of less than £45m, then you are eligible for an interest-free loan of up to £5m to support you through Covid-19 related difficulties.

This loan comes with grant payment from the government to help with initial fees for the first 12 months. They will also guarantee 80% of the loan amount to give banks and financial companies the confidence to lend.

该计划, 最初将运行六个月, 会允许你的企业贷款长达六年吗. This money will have to be repaid in full – the guarantee is for the lenders, not the borrowers.Are all small and medium sized firms able to borrow money?

简而言之,没有. All companies must prove they have been trading successfully and viably but need support to overcome the current disruption. 这意味着并不是所有的公司都会成功.

这笔钱将由 已有40多家银行签署了该计划,包括 像巴克莱这样的高街银行, 汇丰银行, Lloyds and NatWest as well as more specialist finance companies.

应用, businesses are being asked to initially contact their own bank first (if they are taking part in the scheme) via the company website if possible, 只有在需要的时候才去找其他贷款人.


会员的好处 - We are helping our members to maintain their profile and visibility during this period by sharing their news, jobs and live webinar events on our site and via our vast network of over 35,000名接触者. 

If you would like to discuss how we can help you to raise your profile and maintain continuity in this difficult period, 请联系 thom@dharashiv.net .

We want our members and the wider community during this crisis. 本页概述 支持我们正在运行的选项和计划

最后,请花时间回复我们的 COVID-19调查.

