

There’s no doubt that if you work in the digital tech sector you will spend a lot of your time at your desk and research shows that sitting at a desk for prolonged periods can significantly impact your health and wellbeing.

So, 无论你是在家里还是在商业办公室工作, 你可以做一些事情来改善你的工作环境. 

以下是我的10条建议! 你可能已经在做其中的一些,这很好, if not then why not give them a go and see if they help improve your health and wellbeing.

1. 良好的照明

如果可能的话,坐在靠窗的地方. Getting natural daylight has shown to reduce stress levels and keep your circadian rhythm in check – keeping you alert. A desk light rather than an overhead light can also help reduce eye strain.

2. 减少眼睛疲劳

As well as improving your lighting, you can also reduce eye strain by following the 20-20-20 rule. 每隔20分钟,看20英尺外的东西20秒. You can also adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen to comfortable levels to improve eye care.

3. 保持水分

在办公桌上放一瓶水,经常喝水. Hydration is crucial for maintaining good memory and concentration levels and for avoiding headaches.

A gradual fluid loss of just 1 or 2% can reduce those mentioned above as well as lower your mood. Staying hydrated and drinking water can also reduce tiredness and sluggishness and improve your productivity levels at work.

4. 少坐

如果你长时间坐在办公桌前, 确保你有规律地站起来或走动. Studies have shown that doing this is not only good for you physically, 但它可以提高工作效率和精神集中. 避免因久坐而增加的健康风险, it is recommended that you 站起来 or walk around for at least 2 hours a day. 一些建议可以帮助你做到这一点;

4a. 试一试符合人体工学的坐姿/站立式办公桌

如果你负担得起,或者你的工作单位同意的话, switching to a sitting/standing desk can help you with moving more during the day.

4b. 做一些小的锻炼

Some simple 拉伸es and strength moves little and often add up over the day. Keep some resistance bands or wrist/ankle weights on your desk to remind you to take an exercise break!  把你的椅子换掉,每天做几次10分钟的运动. 没有设备, no problem – use your office furniture for exercises such as tricep dips and bus stops (remember to check that your chair doesn’t have wheels on it)!

4c. 使用番茄工作法

Not just good for productivity if you benefit from focussing on one thing in short bursts of time, 你可以利用番茄工作法中的休息时间来站立, 拉伸, hydrate yourself and rest your eyes from the screen (if you’re not scrolling on social media)!

5. 正确摆放办公桌

当坐在, ensure your hips are as far back as they can go in the chair and adjust the seat height, so your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are the same level or slightly lower than your hips. The top of the display screen should be around eye level (seated) and your arms should be bent at 90 degrees to reach the keyboard. 这有助于避免下背部、颈部和手臂疼痛.

It is a legal requirement in the UK for employers to ensure that employees have had a DSE (display screen equipment) Workstation Assessment. http://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/dse/assessment.htm

6. 呼吸新鲜空气

一些办公环境会引发过敏. This can be caused by cleaning chemicals, poor ventilation and dust. Even if you don’t have symptoms, low quality air can lower your concentration levels. It may be out of your control in an office but if you work from home you can hoover regularly, 打开窗户或买一台空气净化器. 有些植物甚至可以改善你办公室的空气质量, 同时也激发创造力和健康的感觉.

7. 不要在办公桌前吃东西

Eating lunch away from your desk won't just keep crumbs out of your keyboard, 它可以帮助你重新设定一个下午的工作效率. 和别人聊聊天,散散步——你应该好好休息一下. Another benefit of not eating at your desk is that if you eat while you are distracted you are more likely to overeat, 我们不希望那样,对吧!

8. 注意你的姿势

姿势对健康和工作表现都很重要. Slouching makes you feel tired and lazy as well as contributing to back and neck pain. 坐直身体,感受那种成就感! 上面的一些建议应该有助于改善你的姿势.

9. 健康的零食 

If you are going to snack in between meals, choose healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts, or yogurt. Avoid too much caffeine or sugary snacks which can lead to energy slumps.

10. 带上你的宠物

A bit divisive in office discussions and this one is not for everyone. Research shows that people who have their dogs (or cats at home) with them while working reduce their occupational stress and boost their work satisfaction. It’s also evidenced that other people that encounter pets in the workplace also feel less stressed too…unless they’re scared or allergic!


Did you know the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime? If most of your work involves using a computer, then you will be sitting down quite a lot! 解决方案? 移动. 走楼梯, 站起来, 坐下来, 再站起来, just get away from your desk as often as possible to benefit from a healthier working environment.

Emma-Louise Fusari is a Nurse of 21 years and the founder of In-House Health a health tech startup that implements clinically led, evidence based and data-informed workplace health and wellbeing solutions for digital tech teams.



