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GFT achieves double-digit 增长 in volatile environment

GFT Technologies SE (GFT) 继续 grow. 与 revenue 增长 of 10%, the digital transformation pioneer maintained its upward trajectory 在 first six months of 2023. Compared to the first half of 2022, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (adj. 息税前利润) 玫瑰 by4 percent or by 11% adjusted for currency effects.

Demand expected to grow in second half of the year

“Despite a volatile environment, we continue to outpace market 增长,” says Marika Lulay, GFT首席执行官. “Thanks to our global footprint, we were able to mitigate very effectively the slowing investment in our largest market, 巴西. Our medium-term 增长 drivers, including our project pipeline, are fully intact. There is a noticeable uptick in client demand 在 fields of cloud and artificial intelligence in particular. We are therefore confident that we can accelerate our 增长 在 second half of the year.”

The GFT Group generated revenue of 欧元 391.5800万年 在 first half of 2023. The company thus exceeded the prior-year figure of 欧元 357.25 几百万 by 10%. 在 保险 部门, revenue 玫瑰 by 1 percent, 在 行业 & 其他人 部门 by 13 percent. 在 银行 部门, revenue was up 11% on the previous year.

Disproportionately strong 增长 in USA and Mexico

There was further disproportionately strong 增长 在 world’s largest software market, the 美国、 with an increase in revenue of 35%. In 墨西哥, GFT succeeded in raising revenue by as much as 63%. This 增长 was driven above all by complex modernisation and transformation projects 在 finance 部门. In Germany, business was boosted by the successful integration of targens GmbH是一家. Compared to the same period last year, revenue in Germany was up 43 percent.

As of 30 June 2023, the Group had a total of 9,008 full-time employees (FTE). This corresponds to an increase of 2 percent compared to 8,842 employees at year-end 2022.

GFT expects solid revenue and earnings 增长 for 2023

GFT still expects to continue its 增长 and to raise both revenue and earnings 在 financial year 2023. Recognised by the market for its extensive 部门 and technological expertise, the Group has an attractive portfolio of digitalisation and cloud solutions. As a result, it 继续 be excellently positioned to benefit from 增长 trends.

Due to the volatile macroeconomic environment, GFT has downgraded its guidance slightly. Group Revenue is expected to reach around 欧元 810-8.2亿年 (2022: 欧元 730 几百万; previous guidance: 欧元 850 几百万). The Group anticipates 增长 in adjusted EBIT 欧元 74-76 几百万 (2022: 欧元 67 几百万; previous guidance: 欧元 80 几百万). GFT的 earnings before taxes (光大通信) are expected to reach 欧元 68-70 几百万 (2022: 欧元 66 几百万; previous guidance: 欧元 72 几百万). This guidance takes into account the acquisition of targens GmbH是一家 pro rata temporis as of 1 April 2023.

Carlton Hopper, Managing Director of GFT UK added: “UK business is a major contributor to GFT的 overall success, generating 14% of all revenue. Our strategy 继续 be focused on growing our UK operations, working with current and prospective clients to deliver industry-leading technology solutions. Our 10% headcount 增长 is reflective of that commitment.”

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