




A common reason B2B pipelines stall is that usually market荷兰国际集团(ing) sees the initial form submission as the end of their responsibility. 

The issue here is that sales quickly disqualify buyers who aren’t ready to immediately buy. Sales teams don't have the time to put the energy into nurtur荷兰国际集团(ing) these prospects. 

销售机会从来没有被培养过. 潜在的机会失去了动力,永远失去了. 

然后, over time it becomes impossible to reengage prospects who you haven’t stayed in contact with. What could've once been a valuable opportunity then gets forgotten on your database. 

Worse still, the prospect is then sent a slurry of emails from 'catch all' campaigns. The content has no particular relevance to the prospect, it heavily pushes products and services. 他们会被激怒,然后退订.  

Take control - Nurture prospects with ABM-targeted, persona-driven market荷兰国际集团(ing) automation

The trouble with a lot of the market荷兰国际集团(ing) campaigns that we see is that they assume every prospect has the same challenge at the same time.

Market荷兰国际集团(ing) automation is 不 simply automat荷兰国际集团(ing) your email newsletter to a catch-all list for the rest of the year. 




Market荷兰国际集团(ing) automation is where marketers take control of the entire customer journey - from pre-sale to customer to evangelist. 营销自动化使您能够计划旅程, 预测客户需求, 最重要的是, 消除的原因 购买. 

Market荷兰国际集团(ing) automation enables you to use your content to implement an intelligent, 先发制人的, 和有用的旅程,为您的前景. 

假设你从事销售公司礼品的业务. AOV为50,000吨

Your prospect, Frieda, searches in google "corporate gift packages."

登陆页显示一些顶级优惠. 页面上的内容是根据她的搜索查询定制的. The call to action has been tailored too based on what we know about this persona.

在登陆页, there’s an option to download a corporate gift plann荷兰国际集团(ing) template which will help Frieda manage the process. 弗里达下载了这些内容,一个特别提款权给弗里达打电话. 

The phone call follows a playbook that has been set out follow荷兰国际集团(ing) Myer-Brigg's 'blueprint' sales process. The SDR discusses how the planner tool works and what the next steps are. 

Frieda said she’s worried about gett荷兰国际集团(ing) buy-in from senior management. The SDR arranges a call with the senior buyer and Frieda next week send荷兰国际集团(ing) a link to their calendar automatically on the call. 通话记录记录在HubSpot中供以后使用

对于许多, the main challenge may be engag荷兰国际集团(ing) the decision-mak荷兰国际集团(ing) unit and help荷兰国际集团(ing) them with their internal sales. 为他人, the project may seem too big and complex – it’s someth荷兰国际集团(ing) they’ll put to one side until later. 

We can work out what the prospect's challenge is through implicit data – what pages did they look at? 他们点击了什么广告文案? 他们使用了什么搜索查询?

We can also use explicit data: What data did our SDR capture when they spoke to them on the phone and completed the sales playbook? 他们说他们在表格上的主要挑战是什么? We can then proactively nurture each prospect on their own journey through market荷兰国际集团(ing) automation. 

Market荷兰国际集团(ing) automation isn't just email荷兰国际集团(ing) - it's 直接 mail, social media, content etc. 都是量身定制的,并与你的角色研究相关联. 

. 龚.io provides recommendations on how the call quality could be improved.  

Rather than leav荷兰国际集团(ing) it there, the SDR completes the sales playbook. 销售手册对电话销售提供指导. The SDR completes the playbook for that data record - which automatically pops Frieda in a workflow which will send her some emails with tips to get senior management buy-in. “相似”企业的案例研究等. 如果她不点开邮件, 但是回到网站上, she’ll be shown personalized content and Smart CTAs based on her business size, 需求与挑战. 

然后弗丽达沉默了15天. We aren’t sure why – it could be that she’s busy, or she’s worried about whether us荷兰国际集团(ing) M&S会取悦她的顾客. So our SDR sends her a postcard (us荷兰国际集团(ing) a handwrit荷兰国际集团(ing) machine) with an invitation for her buy荷兰国际集团(ing) team to join an exclusive event at an M&她附近的办公室.

- It’s really hard to reactivate and reengage users when you haven’t been messag荷兰国际集团(ing) them at all. 

-电子邮件营销有最好的投资回报率-它是个性化的, 直接, 99%的人每天都查看电子邮件. 

-Mistake – pool荷兰国际集团(ing) emails exclud荷兰国际集团(ing) every s荷兰国际集团(ing)le campaign from one a不her. We need content to understand what pages customers have visited to understand their challenges, 然后围绕这些挑战发送工作流程. 

销售和市场需要协同工作. For most businesses, opportunities lose velocity: Most marketers are targeted on new enquiries & 在填写第一张查询/报名表格后退出. But it's 不 a sales handover, market荷兰国际集团(ing) should support the entire journey. 这意味着看到这笔交易的底线, enhanc荷兰国际集团(ing) post-purchase journey (Get them past the trough of disillusionment), 




