
‘It’s never too late for personal transformation’

  • Known as The Fat Emperor, Cummins will break down three major myths in health and longevity

  • The co-author of Eat Rich Live Long says he has overseen thousands of personal transformations around the world by following correct science

Personal transformation is within every person's grasp and is there to be taken, 根据艾弗康明斯的说法. 

Known as The Fat Emperor, Cummins has been confirmed as Cheshire Business School’s latest keynote. 

His ’Metabolic Health Solutions for Longevity and Productivity’ session will take place at De Vere Cranage Estate on the morning of Monday, 1月16日. 

Speaking before the keynote Cummins, 化学工程师, Author and Complex Problem Solving Analyst with a 30-year corporate background in management and leadership, said: “I'm going to pick three major myths in health and longevity and basically bust them and make people understand the myths. 

“They will centre on cholesterol, blood insulin and lower carbohydrate diets.”

Cummins’ keynote is the first Cheshire Business School Mindful Monday session of 2023. 

It is set to be attended by business leaders, 经理, students and other professionals from across the north of England. 

Citing examples of personal transformation Cummins said: “For someone in their mid 50s with Type 2 diabetes, 一般 speaking by applying our principles, you can have your diabetes go into remission, 一般, within weeks or certainly months.

“It will utterly transform your physiology, your life expectancy and also your mental acuity and whole mental outlook. 

“We have had thousands of transformations around the world by following correct science. 这是非凡的. People who lose 35 pounds within a few months to get to the weight they were when they were 20, just gush about how their life has changed.”

He added: “One of the most extreme examples was a really nice guy I interviewed from America who was 12 years with quite severe bipolar. He started crying a couple of times during the interview as he told the story of his recovery. Before applying his radical dietary solution, he had been on multiple medications long term, and was overweight with a gut even though he was a slim frame man genetically. 

“He switched in an extreme way, which arguably he needed to, by eating just meat, eggs and fish. 

“几个月之内, 他的医生, 他的医疗团队, 不是他, began to withdraw the medication from him because his improvement was so great. 

“They actually began to be concerned about bipolar medications being inappropriate due to his improved status. A couple of months later everyone involved agreed to remove all medications. 他瘦得像只惠比特犬, extraordinarily articulate and has this huge appreciation because he has got his life back. That's the kind of thing that’s possible.”

Rachel Kay is the founder of Cheshire Business School, a membership organisation that runs tailored seminars and ‘short-sharp inspirational’ Mindful Monday sessions for all sized businesses. 

She said: “Securing 艾弗康明斯 as our next keynote is a major win for our members and guests. His insight on metabolic science will be most welcome at this time of year, as we all look to make the best possible start to 2023.”

To book your ticket to 艾弗康明斯' keynote visit http://cheshirebusinessschool.org.uk/mindful-monday-ivor-cummins/

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