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Supporting the community: Up-skilling career returners

回馈社会和提升他人是我们z hlke真正看重的东西. 在科技领域赋予弱势群体权力对我们来说尤其重要,因为多样性, equity and inclusion are close to our heart.

When we first heard about TechReturners, we knew we had to get involved: TechReturners is committed to removing the barriers which returners face after career breaks, 并通过让熟练的专业人员重返技术职业来解决数字技能短缺问题. With a majority of participants from underrepresented backgrounds, 该项目不仅解决了科技行业缺乏合格专家的问题, but also the lack of diversity among those experts.

来自全球最大的博彩平台的团队负责人Andrew首先看到了techreturers项目,并看到了我们支持社区的绝佳机会:“techreturers提供了一个独特而重要的赞助机会, mentor and offer people a route back to a Tech role. 我们认为这是一个支持不足的人才领域,他们可能只是需要信心, 我们看到“科技归来者”会提供新的知识和支持性的环境."

With a team passionate about giving back, sharing knowledge and inspiring others, naturally we were keen to partner and sponsored two cohorts.

A passion for community and equal opportunities for career returners

When asked why he first got involved, 软件工程师Quintin说:“我想支持那些离开工作岗位的人回来,帮助他们成为开发者社区的一部分."

Senior Software Engineer Anna is equally passionate about community. 她参与了全球最大的博彩平台蓬勃发展的科技界的各种活动,并受到鼓励继续回馈社会. “techreturers为返回者提供了一个在安全的环境中学习和尝试新技术和方法的绝佳机会. 我完全支持这种方法,并相信它可以加速任何人的职业生涯. Therefore, I wanted to be part of it."

她的同事Ioana也有同样的热情,并看到了为每个人创造平等机会的真正价值:“多样性, equality and inclusion are very important to us at Zuhlke. 我们认识到,才能以各种形式出现,不同的经历塑造了人,使人独一无二. 每一个观点上的小差异都是有价值的,因为它可以在创造一个更好的整体中发挥作用."

Despite the recognised benefits of a more diverse workforce, 来自非传统职业道路的求职者有时会在招聘初期面临挑战:“太频繁了, the CV screening process is biased against career gaps. 多年来,行业根据时间表筛选候选人,形成了一种判断和偏见的习惯. 以这种方式评估某人意味着他们可能会错过工作机会,因为招聘团队更注重效率,而不是人的方面。”, Ioana explains.

For her, 支持techreturers计划意味着开创一种更好的方式,赋予那些应该获得公平机会的人权力.

A dedicated cohort

As a sponsor of the TechReturners programme, we offered participants guidance and mentorship, gave lightning talks to inspire them, and offered insights into our business and career opportunities.

安娜还记得她与全球最大的博彩平台同学的第一次接触:“我在做全球最大的博彩平台Zuhlke的演讲时遇到了他们,并谈到了我在这里的经历和项目. “归来者”们热衷于讨论问题,我能感受到他们对课程和科技的热情."

她特别喜欢和来自不同背景和各行各业的人在一起的那种活力:“他们中的一些人决定彻底改变自己的职业, others returned after a long career break. What they all shared was their positivity and confidence. 他们都致力于自己的个人目标,他们真的很专注于实现这些目标."

Returners put their skills into practice


安娜回忆道:“在整个项目中,我们参加了每两周的冲刺评审,以提供意见和支持. This allowed us to connect with the teams, understand their ways of working and learn more about their personal goals."

安娜发现这段经历对她自己来说是无价的——不仅从指导的角度来看:“这对我个人来说也是一个学习新东西的好机会! 我并不是一名真正的前端开发者,但团队对设计的热情一直吸引着我,我也学到了一些全球最大的博彩平台前端工具的新知识."

To establish an even better support network with the returners, 安娜和她的同事们最终创建了一个Slack频道,参与者可以在这个频道中联系并讨论他们在冲刺评估之外的问题.

Skills, community, and career impact

After the final presentations where the teams demonstrated their apps, 昆廷对此印象深刻:“我见过一些了不起的人在很短的时间内做出了不起的事情. 参与者在为他们的用户创造真正伟大的体验方面做得非常出色.’"

With their broad experience, TechReturners项目的参与者也带来了独特的软技能:“其中一个团队将‘提高团队健康水平’作为他们的目标之一. 这是一个非常棒的想法,我认为应该将其作为行业中每个人工作的标准来实施。”, Anna says.

She was equally impressed with their collaboration and holistic thinking. 这些技能不能在简历上展示,但对一个组织来说是无价的.

我们的参与也帮助我们的同事建立了更强的社区意识和归属感:共同参与一个有意义的“科技为善”项目简报,定期交流最新情况和成功案例,这不仅令人振奋和有益, it also helped us bond around a shared mission.

"It was a great experience, and I can personally say that I’ve learnt a lot, that’s for sure", Anna concludes – inspired to continue giving back to the community.

Andrew West-Moore
Head of Competence Unit

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