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Principal Project Manager Caz has always been interested in mental health. With regular check-ins more relevant than ever, she shares her experience and best practices on how to collect, 理解并实施相关见解,以支持团队的心理健康.

Over the past year, 我们遍布世界各地的项目团队大部分(如果不是全部)都在家工作. 我们中的许多人都目睹了远程办公给我们的心理健康以及团队合作和团结能力带来的新挑战.

首席项目经理Caz一直对心理学和人类行为着迷. 衡量和跟踪一个团队的整体健康状况是她做了一段时间的事情. And with the pandemic bringing increased focus to the mental health aspects, she feels that now more than ever, regular check-ins could make a real difference.

Measuring team happiness and mental wellbeing – where to start?

The concept of measuring team happiness isn’t new for Caz. “这是我在之前担任敏捷教练时发现的非常有用的东西,当时我开始在诸如‘今天有多有用’之类的问题上给团队降温?’ on a scale from 1-5 in a quick anonymous poll”, Caz says.

This was a great way to capture how engaged people were with the session. What it didn’t tell her is the why and how she could improve future sessions.

From measuring engagement, Caz went on to measure the team’s happiness, but found that the insights she got were limited. “Measuring one’s happiness isn’t necessarily going to give me a helpful view on their happiness in the workplace. 有很多外部因素会影响人们的幸福感。.


Identifying the right questions by understanding your target condition

Firstly, ask the right questions. Thinking of the target conditions, or what you want in a working environment, 关键是导出相关的问题来帮助理解团队的状态吗.

“Whenever possible, 与团队一起定义一组关键的目标条件是值得的,这有助于避免在问题上引发你自己的偏见。”, Caz says. “当你有意识或无意识地思考时,很容易写出引导性问题。, you know what the team’s problem is. 但这里的危险是,你可能会错过目标,团队无法告诉你真正的问题是什么.”

Possible target conditions may be: Team members…

  • understand the team’s mission/vision/goal
  • believe in the team’s mission/vision/goal
  • understand their role in the mission/vision/goal
  • feel that the goal is achievable
  • feel that they are adding value
  • feel that their contribution is valued
  • feel that they are heard
  • feel connected within the team
  • feel that they’re working at a sustainable pace
  • feel comfortable to challenge others
  • feel that they have autonomy
  • are motivated for week ahead

Consistency is key in identifying trends as they emerge

Secondly, ask the questions regularly. 团队健康和心理健康是动态的,可能会随着预期而迅速变化, project stages or stakeholders change. 及早识别趋势是至关重要的,因为它可能有助于识别团队士气出现的变化.

这有助于追溯触发它的因素,并探索扭转消极趋势或围绕积极趋势建立动力的选择. 它进一步有助于建立有关触发因素的情报和未来某些措施的有效性.


The secret to a high response rate: accessibility and anonymity

A high response rate is key in measuring team health. 因此,Caz希望她的调查是匿名的,并尽可能快速和容易地填写. “我尽量简短明了——你不希望任何人在这上面花超过两分钟的时间。”, she says.

Caz uses SurveyMonkey to build her surveys. 她说:“这个工具给我提供了我需要的东西,并指出了填写调查的预计时间。. 她还可以在会议开始或结束时方便地将链接粘贴到会议聊天中. 在会议中填写调查问卷可以帮助提高回复率.

Analysing, discussing and actioning insights

没有什么比问别人过得怎么样,然后不关心他们的反应更能破坏互动了. “I can’t overstress this; don’t ask about team health if you’re not going to do something about it”, Caz says. Therefore, 她总是在回顾或团队会议上讨论结果,并跟踪她对项目所做的任何干预,这样她就可以回顾性地了解这些行动是否产生了影响.

To make the results easy to analyse, Caz often uses single choice response options, 去掉中间地带,让人们真正需要探索他们对陈述的感受——没有“既不同意也不反对”的选择。.

Caz记得有一次,在一个项目做出一些决定后,“我觉得有人在听我说话”这一项的分数直线下降,她为此感到担心. 她把团队健康分数放在团队面前,并要求他们勇敢地分享他们的感受. 卡兹说:“一个人的直言不讳能让整个群体的声音畅通无阻,这真是不可思议。.

一开始,引导者可能需要准备好度过一段不舒服的沉默, but the discussion that followed revealed incredibly valuable insights. 在这种情况下,结果证明团队领导试图保护团队免受一些噪音的影响,最终掩盖了团队需要看到更大图景的重要背景.

“只是能够与团队进行对话并解释原因, allowed the team to question and understand it”, Caz remembers. “Within a month, the score had shifted back to positive.”

Now, more than ever, is the time to implement team health indexing

Since joining Zuhlke, Caz认为,团队健康指数对于改善团队的心理健康变得更加有用和重要. 因为新冠疫情的影响,也因为我们不能每天在办公室见面, 我们已经更加关注心理健康的影响,需要加倍努力,以确保团队中的每个人都感到被授权和被重视.  

The best way to start is to just dive in. So, if you’re interested in team health, 为什么不做一些调查,让你的团队了解他们现在对工作的感受呢?

Caz Farrell, Principal Agile Project Manager

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