
现在,闭路电视在英国随处可见. It is the most frequently used piece of security equipment that is in use across the nation.

据信,到2020年,这一数字将接近700,00 cameras in London alone 和 almost 6 million across the UK. 也就是每13个人有1台相机. 而且这个数字每天都在增长. 

Cameras are now much more than just a video feed though, with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) facial recognition, motion detection software 和 now temperature monitoring all being incorporated into the devices, it means connectivity is becoming more 和 more critical 和 data consumption on these devices is growing daily.

To operate these cameras efficiently 和 safely it requires a resilient 和 secure network. It’s no longer acceptable to put a st和ard mobile sim card in a device that is using a Public APN to transmit data 和 images. 

So, working with our existing partners that operate in the security sector we have developed a range of solutions for all CCTV deployments that will allow partners 和 customers to be able to supply connected devices that are secure, 网络弹性和成本效益.


In order to ensure the most secure 和 resilient solution is provided to our customers, Zest4 utilise an award winning secure network for all of IoT 和 M2M solutions. Cellular connectivity services are only as good as the underlying networks 和 infrastructure. Zest4’s resilient network infrastructure seamlessly interfaces multiple Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) 和 provides secure, real time management 和 visibility of the connection to your devices. 

Zest4第四代, redundant network infrastructure is located in dual data centres in East London 和 Maidenhead. Zest4’s managed M2M connectivity service runs on a fully resilient network with high-availability 和 full dual site redundancy. Multi-homed connections to major backbone networks ensure second- to-none connectivity availability 和 b和width capacity. This state of the art network has been designed to fully support the capacity requirements of high b和width solutions such as bonded 3G 和 4G 和 is able to offer the level of control 和 monitoring, as you would expect from an industry leading IoT connectivity platform.

Because your CCTV network is only as good as the connectivity used to power it, Zest4 have built their CCTV propositions on delivering against this. With multiple strategic partnerships that provide managed connectivity services to customers across the globe, with 545+ Mobile Networks in over 220+ countries globally. Providing private secure connections whenever 和 wherever you need them.

Zest4 移动网络运营商不可知

We do not favour any one MNO in particular but enable customers to achieve their goals by underst和ing the features of each MNO 和 combining them with our capabilities to produce the right service package.

Our aim is to enable you to connect securely 和 consistently across any / all network providers. The Zest4 和 Connectivity Solution offers private 3G / 4G connections to Telefónica / O2, 沃达丰(Vodafone), 和记黄埔3 g, 橙色, EE, 确定, 马恩岛的, KPN 和 Tele2 和 their respective global platforms enable you to benefit from both single 和 multiple-network coverage options to suit your individual applications.

As part of our work to be able to deliver the best solution whatever your CCTV needs, Zest4 have created a range of bespoke tariffs that will deliver the right amount of data securely in a cost effective manner.


央视无限Get unlimited data on a single network SIM with fixed IP.
CCTV壹网捆绑If you don’t need unlimited or high volume bundles there are a range of smaller bundles priced accordingly 和 again with fixed IP.
CCTV全网套餐For full network resilience we offer a range of bundles built on a SIM that will utilise any of the 4 UK networks to ensure optimal connectivity.

Fixed Private IP is provided as st和ard on all our sims 和 a Fixed Public IP can also be added if requested.

So if you’re interested in learning more about our dedicated CCTV solutions that have been built with 安全弹性 和 成本 记住,今天就全球最大的博彩平台.

0161 956 3355


