

全球最大的博彩平台,2023年11月23日至今 总部位于全球最大的博彩平台的数字工作平台, Jobs空间365 推出了大量的增强功能, as it continues its mission to empower employees by offering a personal, 相关和简化的数字化工作场所.


The all-in-one adaptive digital workplace provides personalised access to all 应用程序, company information and personal documents on any device. The newly launched version is based on user-experience (UX) research and offers even more simplified access, 沟通和工作流程.


有了这些改进, Jobs空间365 aims to fully unlock the digital work focus for employees, empowering them to work more productively and efficiently. Currently, more than 2,300 organisations are using Jobs空间365.


With job complexity increasing at a rapid pace and employees struggling with too many systems, 创建一个简化的数字化工作场所是关键. 根据… 最近的Gartner调查, 47% of employees are struggling to find information to perform their jobs effectively. 与此同时,另一个 Gartner study showed that 68% of businesses are replacing software more frequently since 2021 as a result of digital transformation, 使日常操作更加复杂. The problem is often that the digital workplace strategy is almost exclusively IT-led and not focused on what employees actually need at an individual level to perform efficiently and well. The result is a digital workplace that is complicated, distracting and makes the search for relevant documents and 应用程序 time-consuming and frustrating. The renewed Jobs空间365 solves this problem entirely by providing a simplified digital workplace that creates and supports digital focus.


埃里克·尼科莱, Jobs空间365的创始人兼首席执行官, explains: "We fully understand that employees struggle with information and technology overload and we are certain that simplifying the digital workplace ensures more productivity, 节省时间,提高员工的幸福感. We conducted extensive UX-based research as the basis for this new and improved version. 结果是, we decluttered the interface and simplified the digital workplace further to improve digital focus. Unlike many systems developed solely on the basis of what technology can do, Jobs空间365 is based on what users actually need to thrive in a fast-paced and constantly evolving digital world."


考虑到用户体验, Jobs空间365 has upgraded the design and made the navigation more efficient. The new version also ensures optimal use of space within the interface, allowing the user to customise the workplace even more to suit their needs. The interface is now consistent across all devices to cater to personal working styles and patterns. In addition, the Jobs空间365 platform gains a range of new and improved features, including:



  • 常用应用: this dynamic new feature is designed to provide users with effortless access to the vital apps they rely on daily. This addition ensures quick and easy access to essential tools, further enhancing productivity in the digital workspace.



  • 中心: 中心有一个新的专用, 集中的位置, 非常适合分享重要的公司公告, 知识文章和活动. It streamlines internal communication, enhances collaboration and boosts productivity.
  • 地址簿搜索选项: it’s now easier for users to connect with the right teams and colleagues with the enhanced search options. 用户配置文件页面已经展示了技能, 项目, 兴趣和可用性, now departments and office locations have been added too.



  • 活动提要投资于以用户为中心的创新, Activity Feed占据了中心位置, driving heightened user engagement and personalised experiences. Users can tailor their Activity Feed to showcase content pertinent to their role and interests. The feed now seamlessly integrates approvals and notifications from various third party 应用程序, enhancing user interaction within the digital workspace.
  • 更智能的全局搜索: 更智能的全局搜索 is now in a prominent position within the digital workplace. 利用行为数据, 它就像你公司的“谷歌”,,可以即时访问文件, 应用程序, 和资源, 不管来源是什么, 通过统一的搜索栏, 简化工作流程,提高效率.


That simplification of the digital workplace does indeed make for happier employees and more efficient operations, 是由 Christiaan de Vin, Senior Product Development Manager Workspace Services at Orange Business:“使用Jobs空间365, we provide employees with one central digital starting point to access everything they need. 当他们登录时, 一切都准备好了,让他们完成工作, as we put a layer of simplicity on top of complexity, making everyone’s experience so much easier - it’s a really powerful and productive proposition”, 德文总结道.


The new version of the platform is available as of today.

