

作者: 丹·凯西, VCG客户运营总监 

如果有比零售业更具挑战性的行业, 我还没有经历过, 很难想象哪个垂直行业更受科技的影响, 时尚, 物流, 以及全球事件.

We are bombarded constantly with news about the growth in online shopping as customers abandon inconvenient trips to the High Street in favour of an easier experience. 环境角度也很重要, as the youth trend for pre-loved items and charity shops has been re-stimulated, 支持像Vinted这样的网站的崛起, 与eBay竞争, 以原价的一小部分出售.

All credit to the retail sector though, for blazing a trail in a number of areas. Being able to check stock availability online or via an app is extremely useful. Wasted journeys to the local DIY store to find the thing you urgently need is out of stock are now history – if you’re comfortable with the tech.

Most retail brands now offer an online experience but the actions to compete with new entrants, 谁没有遗留的基础设施, 更不用说毁灭性的固定成本了, have been more ‘sticking plaster’ than well thought out strategy – because in retailing, 没有人100%确定正确的策略.

When marketing departments approach finance with new ideas to turbo charge an embattled business, it feels like blue-sky space cadets versus kill joy bean counters – and that’s before the plans are rejected by the techies as too difficult or incompatible with the current systems and set up.

Developing a digital business alongside supply chain complexities puts pressure on the bottom line, 由于竞争,利润率不断下降, 更高的成本, and the cost-of-living crisis – the need for smart operational efficiency has never been greater.


后端技术显然至关重要, 和零售商是销售点(POS)解决方案的早期采用者, 企业资源计划(ERP), 仓库, 物流, 分销管理. 但随着早期的系统和平台成为传统, they increase operational vulnerability and lack the capability and longevity to support the demands of an innovative digital enterprise.

Many systems struggle to link stock holding to online order processing and the product quantities available both in store and online. A lack of consolidated data management across the estate has led to a network of spaghetti connectivity architecture, 对很多人来说, 采取行动的时候到了. 以确保在竞争激烈的世界中生存, businesses must have a data centric approach and an integrated flow of information, 用系统连接价值链的所有部分.


订购, 接收, and moving goods efficiently is of growing significance as retailers seek to control costs and manage stock holdings, 有趣的是, there’s a growing belief in the logistical benefit of working with suppliers closer to home. Developing world tensions expose companies to the risk of a supply shortages, with operational leaders avidly monitoring external factors such as geopolitical concerns, 工资波动, 原材料成本, 商品价格波动, 监管变化.

A robust and scalable technology foundation enables retailers to rapidly boost performance and introduce new services, 但也许是由于技能短缺或项目挑战, 许多国家未能取得进展, and are starting to fall behind others who are seizing the opportunities. Bold action is needed by many to transform tech platforms and operating models.

交易条件, 合乎道德及可持续的行为, and geo political instability is doing nothing to bolster market confidence, and reversing the recent negative trajectory requires decisive action with eco-partners who understand the challenges. Business transformation and new operating models supported by underlying technology and connectivity that’s built for the future must be introduced to lower operating costs and provide a baseline platform for rapid innovation.

Optimising and leveraging technology to maximise operational efficiency 推动更好的客户互动可能会让人望而生畏. 但与一个了解这个行业的合作伙伴合作, 并且可以加强内部专业知识, helps many organisations design and implement future-proof tech platforms for the most demanding new trends.

〇支援零售商 与VCG一起工作

VCG的传统是支持零售业, and we continue to work with many High Street organisations including Spar Shop Group franchise, 英国心脏基金会Poundland,以及其他许多人. Our core figure of eight network with global interconnection ‘points of presence’ (PoPs) in London, 利兹, and Manchester enables customers with multi-site estates to simplify and secure their network and connectivity. Private internet connections ensure traffic is routed ‘on-net’ whenever possible, using fully protected and monitored internet breakout points at our highly secure core sites.

This reduces the need for vulnerable broadband connections at each retail location, and provides business class networking to speed up service and response times. 随着网络空间威胁的增加, robust protection of systems and infrastructure becomes more challenging and complicated.

We reduce the level of client complexity by absorbing critical functionality into our managed services desks, so customer systems operate on a 24/7 basis in the sure knowledge that everything in being monitored and managed at all times, 尤其是在非工作时间, 由我们专门的技术支持团队提供.

