


欢迎来到聚光灯下, a series where 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 interviews its members to shed light on their work within the digital and technology industry in Greater Manchester.

在本期节目中,我们有幸与 UK-Engage的 总经理,安迪·泰.


我们为任何公司提供安全的选举服务, 慈善机构, 合作, 会员组织, 房屋协会, 地方当局, 俱乐部, 等. that wants to run a democratic process to elect people to positions or vote on any issue.

我们为客户提供广泛的投资组合服务, and are seeing more and more requests for secure online services which relate to voting processes, 无论是为受托人或员工代表投票, 在年度股东大会上投票, 在会议上投票, 咨询投票, 等.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

In our industry the biggest issue relating to digital services is vote security. 如果投票的安全性得不到保证, then the voting process can be called into question and the result may not be trusted. 因此, the security of the vote in a digital platform is paramount to the integrity of the election process. Consideration is given to all aspects of security for the digital solution and consequently its security is based on all possible threats, 这些因素包括数字环境之外的因素, and how the system operates in circumstances where voters may be subject to coercion, 说服, 或者是别人强迫你以某种方式投票. 

There are many factors to consider which can make the digital platform extremely complex not only to create but then to maintain, 同时从用户的角度来看,使其具有吸引力和简单的使用.

Another key issue is how to easily convey to an ordinary voter the levels of complex security within the system, 这样他们就会相信解决方案是安全的,并且能按预期工作. End-to-End verifiable solutions offer the voter the ability to ‘verify’ any vote cast into the system is correctly managed throughout the system. 更复杂的是,投票必须是秘密和匿名的. 所以通常的安全措施, 银行部门使用的跟踪和审计方法, 例如, 不能使用.


Reacting to the covid pandemic with digital solutions for Annual General Meetings (AGM) offering clients the ability for their members who had previously voted in person with a show of hands to securely vote and meet remotely. AGM’s are a legally binding process and must be undertaken as per each organisations articles or constitution with many detailing prescriptive processes regarding voting and attendance, 不仅是为了验证会议本身, but pass the necessary resolutions and motions needed to keep the organisation functioning.

Our solution integrates digital secure voting technology with virtual meetings, allowing members to be seen and heard and cast votes that are authenticated and independently scrutinised. At that time we undertook a series of workshops and webinars to assist those wishing to undertake their AGM’s virtually, so they met their governance objectives and made it simple for the members to join/vote.


选举市场由遗留制度主导, 流程和程序, many were written decades ago before digital technologies were thought about. 

The biggest challenge is to assist and transition those organisations to adopt digital technologies and determine the benefits to their members and to the organisation. Some are bound by legislation and unless there is political appetite to change legacy processes toward a digital solution then it is unlikely we will see any movement.

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

We are proud to be part of and a member of the Manchester digital and tech sector.   1948年6月,全球最大的博彩平台引领了这一潮流, 世界上第一台存储程序计算机在哪里, 全球最大的博彩平台马克一号, 是在英国的全球最大的博彩平台大学建造和演示的吗.

从那时起, 全球最大的博彩平台不仅有超过10个,000 digital and tech businesses but was again crowned the UKs Top Digital Tech City in November 2022.  Retail tech giants like The Hut Group and Boohoo were born out of Manchester, there is a boom in cyber security businesses setting up in or moving to the city, 以及在金融科技等行业经营的许多其他企业, 人工智能与数据.

拥有丰富的创新历史, 是许多有影响力的科技公司的所在地, 学术机构, 研究中心, and having made significant investments in digital infrastructure and technology, Manchester's digital and tech sector is likely to continue its growth trajectory, 受该行业持续投资的推动, 有才华和多样化的技术劳动力的存在, and the city's reputation as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, 许多公司选择在这个城市开展业务.


When starting up; we had a chair, pad, and pen with a phone to call people.

All housed in an “office” the size of a rabbit hutch we rented, in an old converted spinning mill.

Our office was on the third floor and the lift rarely worked – we had to regard the stairs as a real bonus to keep fit.

Prince (now King) Charles came to the Mill and kindly met us … but we’re not sure he was impressed with our office furniture.


要了解更多全球最大的博彩平台UK-Engage的信息, 点击这里.

