
In the Spotlight with 滴答作响的思想: Bringing Digital Quality Engineering to the UK

在全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Sankar Santhanaraman, Founder & 常务董事 滴答作响的思想 总部设在大全球最大的博彩平台.


我们提供数字质量工程服务, that helps in strengthening and assessing businesses’ digital operational resilience; and enabling them to offer seamless user experience to their customers throughout their customer life cycle journey. We independently validate applications/ platforms throughout the development cycle and provide inputs to the overall enhancement of the client’s digital service or product offering. 

Our services help enterprises in their digital transformation initiatives – be it technology migration, 或者数据迁移. We ensure that the transformation remains resilient in the face of any technological adversity. 

We cater to businesses of all sizes and our area of expertise ranges across

  • 银行及金融业
  • Fintech
  • 医疗保健
  • 客户关系管理
  • 供应链管理    
  • 教育 
  • 旅游与招待


We have had engagements with many prominent businesses in the UK in the past. 事实上,我们35% - 40%的客户来自英国. 现在, 随着GDPR指南的出现, we respect the data privacy of businesses and the restrictions (especially outsourcing) that are imposed on them for the greater good. 因此,我们把我们的服务带到他们的家门口. Thus rekindling the opportunities that we have had in the past with our clients and in extending the services to other potential clients, 也. 

How do you ensure quality in your engineering and development processes? 

To keep it short, 滴答作响的思想 is all about “consistent quality.” 

First things first, we never jump into validation right away. We always analyse everything from three major perspectives – technical perspective, 业务的角度, 以及终端用户的观点. This allows us to strategise the entire process right away; to identify and pin-point any requirement or process gaps that are in existence. Identifying such things at the outset enables faster turnaround time by eliminating any reworks that might arise in the future, 最小化故障点, ensures that the end product is glitch free and top notch in quality due to early defect identification and rectification. 

最重要的是, we ensure that all our activities are in compliance with industry regulations and best practices. Needless to say that it includes safeguarding data integrity and privacy. 


We have always embraced an open culture policy, with our clients 也 as with all our employees. 我们相信雇佣合适的人才, 不仅仅是在资格方面, 但更强调的是正确的态度. 毕竟,我们总是可以传授技能,却不能传授态度. 

We believe in a holistic and inclusive development of the organisation. So our focus is not only on the financial gains of our organisation but on the career development of our employees too, 因为他们是这个行业的支柱. It’s all a matter of continuous learning, unlearning and relearning. 

What successes are you most proud of from your work in India?

Competing with top tier IT services organisations is not easy for most small & 印度中型IT服务提供商. 大多数时候, the most challenging assignments fall in the lap of the smaller players and 滴答作响的思想 is no exception. 

We have automated the most complex test scenarios for a UK based cab aggregator, carried our performance tests for a complex performance testing scenarios in a creative manner for one of the UK’s FinTechs,  等. 


(a) most of our customers have been willing to refer us to other clients and 

(b) in a operation spanning a decade, we have not lost a single customer till date. 

What are you most excited about in establishing your presence in the UK? 

UK has been the hot bed when it comes to technological advances in the area of computing. Even today, UK has been leading the world in the efforts to unveil quantum computing. 

滴答作响的思想 has been a pioneer in embracing newer technologies to deliver its services in an efficient and effective manner to its clients. Getting opportunities to partner with some of the world’s leading Banks, FinTechs, 保险公司, 公用事业服务, 医疗机构等. is always exciting and presents it own challenges to deal with.  

滴答作响的思想 is looking forward to addressing those challenges and forging partnerships with prospective clients in the UK.  


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