
优秀的员工体验是什么样的? A positive employee experience not only fosters a healthy work environment but also boosts productivity, 敬业度和员工留任.

💡在英国,平均每个月 418000次搜索 是针对“我身边的工作”进行的. 这相当于每天有13483次搜索!

The battle is truly on to make sure that you retain your employees, 更重要的是, you undoubtedly want to ensure that they are delivering at their best for you.

Your employees’ talent and ability only contributes in part to overall productivity. 释放员工的全部潜力, they need to enjoy their work and value the success of your business.



从别人看到你的职位空缺的那一刻起, 直到他们离开你的公司, 你的员工学到的一切, 做, 看到和感觉有助于他们的员工体验.



Employees who feel valued and engaged are more likely to be productive, 从而产生更好的业务成果.

💡 参与员工 生产力提高17%.



A positive employee experience, and the engagement it creates leads to 更高的员工保留率, saving the organisation time and resources on recruitment and training.

💡脱离接触让英国企业付出了代价 £3400亿 每年.



优先考虑员工体验的公司, 从第一次互动到最后一次, 吸引并留住顶尖人才, maintaining a competitive edge in the job market and across their industry.



优秀的员工体验不是放之四海而皆准的方法. Every workplace is different and should approach their employee experience strategy differently. 

Pick and choose the ideas and strategies that work best for your workforce and tailor them to fit into your overall workplace culture. 毕竟, what’s the point of implementing new employee experience ideas if your employees won’t be receptive to them.

Here’s some of the elements that we know are key to creating a great employee experience in every workplace. 



Employees want to know that they have a future within your organisation. We see this topic coming up a lot in the employee surveys we carry out. 明确的职业道路, opportunities for skill development and mentorship programs can keep employees engaged and committed to their roles.

It’s critical to offer continuous performance development across an organisation. 毕竟, an investment in employee development is an investment in your company’s future. Career and personal development opportunities also need to be fair, 对所有人来说都是透明和可访问的. 

Having a plan in place helps employees with career growth opportunities, 职业流动性,甚至个人发展.



远程和混合工作场所 比以往任何时候都更普遍. Letting employees choose where they want to work helps them balance their work and personal life and ultimately increases productivity and engagement.

A flexible work environment allows employees to work in their preferred environment at their preferred hours. Allowing job flexibility has been proven to increase productivity, 健康和工作满意度,同时减少压力, 成本和缺勤. 




Employee engagement surveys allow organisations to ensure they form an emotional and mental connection with their employees, which also can help improve other metrics like job satisfaction and customer experience. It’s key to ensure that you have a continual flow of employee feedback so you know what is working and what you might need to change. 

在进行这些调查时,请考虑使用 第三方平台 就像 十空间员工调查平台, which offers bespoke, anonymous, and easy-to-use survey and analytics tools. 

十点空间, 我们也衡量员工的经验, following your employee’s journeys as they move through your organisation. This allows us to provide deep insight on the experiences you are creating and where you can optimise them. 

所以如果你想了解新人的感受, 成为“顶级天才”的感觉是什么?, 或者你公司的福利是如何使用的, 我们可以给你这种洞察力. 



通过调查收集反馈只是成功的一半. To improve employee experience, it's crucial to act on the insights gained. 

By not taking feedback seriously you risk creating a poor culture, 或者失去有价值的团队成员, 所以你需要采取行动! 

💡 感觉不舒服的员工 providing upward feedback are 16% less likely to stay in their organisation.

创造伟大的过程 & 全球最大的博彩平台员工反馈的习惯 & 行动会有回报. 这将体现在两项调查的完成率上, 参与水平, 健康的文化,最终留住员工.

It’s also important to remember that your workplace and your employees are continually changing, regular insight and data can help you keep ahead of those changes and ensure that your employee experience is always what your employees need. 


员工调查 & 员工的经验

The Ten Space Survey Platform helps leaders understand what is driving, 或者在团队中不积极参与. 我们经常这样做, 定制敬业度调查, 旨在触及文化和参与的核心.

Our employee journeys tools help you to explore the experiences of your employees in fantastic detail, to build up a great picture of what is building engagement and where you have opportunities to improve.

It gives HR teams and  leaders the chance to listen to their team, understand the problems in the organisation and work on changing things for the better.

我们的仪表盘可以让您即时了解情况. 我们提供工具和支持来帮助您进行报告. These enable you to take the feedback to your leaders quickly and effectively. 

开始您的旅程与我们的高参与通过 保持联系. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our 案例研究.

