
Adobe 正式 巩固品牌 将Magento Commerce和Adobe商务 Cloud合并为Adobe商务的单一品牌. Adobe商务是面向大中型企业的领先的 电子商务 平台, and who could be surprised by that? 这是健壮的, has a solid track record and – most importantly – scales up to your ambition, no matter how big your business goals. 然而, Adobe商务 isn’t a beginners eCommerce solution. 如果我们谈论的是中小企业,它将稳稳地坐在范围的ME端. 

Adobe商务提供的原生功能范围可以轻松处理 大部分 您在发展业务时将面临的挑战. If you’re a manufacturer or a wholesaler, you’ll be sure to appreciate its extensive, self-serve and native B2B capability, as you’ll need to consider custom catalogues, 分级定价, 报价, 公司的信用, and approval processes for your customers.

If 直接面向消费者(D2C) isn’t on your radar yet, it should be. 商业街正处于不断变化的状态,这意味着你需要让你的品牌更接近消费者. Adobe supports the D2C model natively and, 最重要的是, if you have multiple websites for those B2B, D2C或B2C业务, you can run them all from the same instance of Adobe商务.

同样, think about the other requirements you might have for sub-brands, country-specific differences, language variations… Adobe商务 handles them all, 允许您从中央界面无缝管理和报告所有战线. 对于其他电子商务平台来说,这通常是一个更复杂的过程, such as the likes of Shopify and BigCommerce.

But despite Adobe商务 having arguably the most robust, fully- realised feature set of all the eCommerce platforms out there, it does have some limitations. In all the years that PushON has been working on complex site builds, 我们有无数的客户要求一个特定的功能来支持他们的D2C商业模式,但却不能作为核心资产使用. 但不要因此而放弃——有无数的扩展和工具可以轻松地与Adobe商务集成,以实现您的目标.

电子邮件 and marketing automation

啊,不错的旧邮件. Your heavyweight solution for making money. It may have been around for ages, 但这只证明了电子商务对企业来说是多么有效. 电子商务中最难的工作是让某人进行第一笔交易, 电子邮件是提高转化率和建立品牌忠诚度的最佳选择.

To make email work for your business, there are a few key elements to consider, with data being at the heart of the operation. Choose your marketing automation platform carefully. Platforms that allow you to deliver real-time, behaviour-based活动, 在客户和邮件内容之间建立1-2-1的关系——比如一个废弃的购物篮之旅——最终会带来更高的转化率. 根据客户的特征对其进行智能细分,并通过偏好表单增强数据.

你所做的一切, 目标是尽可能个性化,向客户展示你关心他们想要什么.


Dotdigital -一个运行良好的业务,提供大量支持,并与Adobe商务完美集成. It’s a full marketing automation platform, so it has a lot to offer.

Klaviyo – businesses stay loyal to Klaviyo for a reason, and it’s because there’s not much that this versatile, full marketing automation plaform doesn’t do.


正如你所料, Adobe商务 comes with an excellent native search capability, Elasticsearch, which is used by many high-volume websites. Just this year we’ve seen the introduction of Live Search powered by Adobe唤醒, ,它提供了闪电般的速度,超级相关,直观的搜索体验.

网站 搜索可能是你电子商务中最有用的工具之一. 最基本的形式, 它需要帮助你的客户快速找到他们正在寻找的东西,并呈现给他们购买. The tricky thing is that people tend to search in different ways, using different words and phrases, 都是为了同一件事.

一个能够自动理解客户需求并将其呈现给客户并提供可行替代方案的搜索工具需要一些专业知识. Aside from what’s built into Adobe商务, there are some excellent third party services to help you with this.

Klevu -毫无疑问是该领域的市场领导者,也是PushON的首选推荐之一. Plus, they’re a lovely bunch of people, which always helps! We’ve worked with them since the early days, 尽管他们在成长, their founder is still always happy to jump on a call with us.

Algolia – a reliable solution that boasts several handy features, Algolia does exactly what it says on the tin – no wonder it’s so popular.

Product Information Management (PIM)

One of the huge growth areas we have seen is in PIM. 它是核心电子商务功能的另一个有效扩展,因为它非常强大. 流程驱动的产品信息管理比您想象的更有价值.

拥有高质量, 详细的内容支持你的库存不仅可以帮助你的电子商务网站看起来很好, 但也允许这些产品被客户发现,并确保你有一个很好的机会,以满足他们的需求,导致购买.

There are a couple of key players in the market when it comes to PIM…

Akeneo – one of the first PIM platforms to get involved with Adobe商务, Akeneo knows it inside and out, which makes them extremely reliable.

Pimberly – we love a fellow Mancunian business, 但Pimberly拥有的不仅仅是它的北方根基——它是一个精心打造的平台,明确专注于出色地开展PIM.


口口相传. 可信的建议. 评论 are not only expected, 但他们也会主动搜索——这是以前购买者的反馈,有助于引导和鼓励顾客购买. It’s not just your brand that matters, 尽管如此,你用来展示评论的提供商也会给你的品牌带来可信度.

Trustpilot – 5 stars on Trustpilot is now THE mark of credibility for a business, thanks to the business that took digital reviews to a whole new level.

Feefo -另一个经过深思熟虑和精心管理的包装,与世界各地的消费者产生共鸣.

Order Management Systems (OMS) and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

OMS和wms比以往任何时候都更重要——如果你不能通过提供最新的股票信息来满足客户的期望, they’ll just go somewhere else. 谁又能责怪他们呢,因为整个市场上都有竞争对手可以提供这些产品?

Whether your stock is in your warehouse, a shop or another third-party location, 有效的管理是保证你的现金流井然有序的最可靠的方法——我们都知道, 现金(流量)为王.

Brightpearl -一个市场领先的操作平台,拥有最广泛的功能集之一. Plus, Brightpearl is international in scope and capability. Read our guest blog detailing how you can streamline your sales process with PushON and Brightpearl

Linnworks - boasting an extensive feature set at an affordable price, Linnworks致力于从早期阶段就将电子商务业务纳入其中.


eCommerce may be the future of your business, 但这需要一些计划, 这包括拥有正确的技能,不仅要理解功能,还要能够很好地使用它. Technology is a facilitator of people, so make sure you find good ones and look after them – after all, they are what will help you make your business a success. 它们是您扩展电子商务能力的最佳手段. 要了解PushON如何启动、振兴或彻底改革您的电子商务战略, 立即全球最大的博彩平台!

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