
Praetura launches venture capital trust and appoints former Puma Investments COO at new Praetura投资 division

Manchester-based venture capital investor and small business lender Praetura has launched a new venture capital trust, Praetura Growth VCT plc, as it expands its suite of tax-efficient offerings to investors.   

Praetura Growth VCT plc will primarily focus on investing in companies based in the North of England, enabling investors to diversify their portfolio with access to high growth businesses in innovation hubs outside London.

分享s in the VCT will be admitted to the London Stock Exchange, with Praetura seeking to raise an initial £10m to invest in growth businesses with demonstrable traction and exceptional founders. The directors of the VCT and people associated to Praetura have already collectively committed to investing £1.2米的涨幅.

Praetura已向投资者开放Praetura Growth VCT plc, alongside continuing to offer the Praetura EIS Growth Fund and Praetura Inheritance Tax Planning Service, which enable investors to back early-stage businesses and manage their potential inheritance tax liabilities respectively.

通过其财务顾问基础, Praetura has uniquely positioned itself to offer retail investors – otherwise known as individual, non-professional investors - access to a number of alternative asset classes, including high-growth regional tech companies for both EIS and VCT, and the market for asset-secured commercial loans to UK SMEs for its business relief (BR) service.

正好赶上发射, the group has established a new division to house its growing range of alternative retail investment offerings, Praetura投资.

同时, Praetura has appointed former Puma Investments COO of eight years Sam 麦克阿瑟 as a partner. 麦克阿瑟成功地推出了几只VCT和EIS基金, and grew Puma’s assets under management from circa £100 million to circa £950 million during his time there. 在他的新角色中, he will help expand Praetura投资’ range of alternative retail investment offerings and outreach to financial advisers across the UK.

麦克阿瑟, 以及Praetura的合伙人Jon Prescott, will also be responsible for forging relationships with investors and advisers, as well as driving plans to double the size of the Praetura’s distribution and client services teams. 该公司计划在英国各地任命关键员工, 包括苏格兰, 英格兰中部和东南部.

Praetura投资合伙人山姆•麦克阿瑟表示: “The demand for alternative investments is growing significantly. Investors are looking for solutions to diversify their portfolio and deliver strong returns, especially at a time where inflation is continuing to rise and volatility in the stock market, 这会影响指数基金. Praetura提供“不仅仅是钱”的声誉, combined with the team’s knowledge of the North and passion for backing exceptional businesses outside of London, 这为投资者提供了一种方法. These are factors that encouraged me to join Praetura in the first place, and I’m looking forward to seeing how far we can take our VCT.

“I believe there’s also a greater awareness of VCTs now and the tax efficiencies they can provide investors, 以及isa和养老金. There’s even been a noticeable widening of demographics in terms of the sorts of people who are investing and seeking alternative investment solutions. 这有很多原因, including more financial advisers advocating VCTs to their clients and a rise in the number of highly innovative start-ups in the UK in sectors such as tech and health. 与vct, pensions and ISAs rarely give investors access to these unquoted companies, which is why VCTs lend themselves to investors wanting to diversify into private markets.”

Praetura will leverage its 12 years of successful investments into some of the North’s brightest businesses, 送2.退出企业迄今为止的平均回报率为9倍.

The announcement follows the success of Praetura’s EIS Growth Fund, which has backed over 37 companies since launching in 2019, 包括匹克这样的成功案例, BankiFi, 拼接而成, 文化转变和XR游戏.

To find out more about Praetura Growth VCT plc, visit: www.praeturainvestments.com

