
Key Takeaways from # AmafestUK 2019

今年的 # AmafestUK organised at UKFast was attended by over 200 Amazon Sellers and Businesses, and received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback! It was a super informative day with lots to learn and plenty to take away.

亚马逊专家, 杰斯豪斯 和谁一起工作? Daytodayebay, and spoke about Amazon Listing Optimisation on the day, has put together a key takeaway from each talk for those who may have missed out on the conference or a talk! 


Amazon Product Pricing Strategies with Paulina Masson


Shoppers prefer to see ‘money off’ rather than ‘% discount’, as it is easier for them to work out the discounted price.


Amazon Advertising with Danny McMillan


Amazon puts all keywords through a filter, so words such as ‘a’ & ‘and’ are ‘stop words’ so when searching for ‘vitamin a and b’, Amazon will ignore ‘a and’ and returns results for ‘vitamin b’.


Direct Amazon Vendor To Hybrid (1P & 大卫·辛德尔(David Hindle)


There are many concerns to consider as a 1P seller for example, you don’t have control over pricing and trading terms are not negotiable, which makes it a good idea to become a 3P seller as you have control over pricing and many other benefits.

Increase Conversion Rate & Sales with Amazon Listing Optimisation with 杰斯豪斯


Don’t waste your Amazon SEO optimisation efforts with unclear, confusing main product images. Your main product image should be on a white background, and of the product only; and the customer should be able to tell what your product is.

BidX: Fully Automate your Amazon Advertising with Nadine Schöpper


Cleverly automate your advertising efforts with BidX by setting your target ACoS and let BidX do the work. A great tool to ensure your campaigns never go over your target ACoS and still generate a profit!

Private Label Brand Protection with Anthony Famularo


If you go on the private label journey, you will need to make sure you have well protected your product and brand name.

Social Selling for Amazon Sellers in 2020 with Beth Blake


Sellers and businesses should monitor what their customers are saying about their products on social media, as this will give you access to a wealth of information and opportunities to help you improve and grow your product/business.

Proven Strategies to Boost your Amazon Sales on Non-English Markets with Jana Krekic


A Harvard Business Review found that 56.2% of those surveyed said that language was more important to them than price when making a purchase decision online. This just goes to show how important it is to have your listings translated in the correct language for each marketplace and to avoid listing in English everywhere.

#WeAreTheMedia – Self Publishing on Amazon with John Hayes


It is easy to say ‘you’re writing a book’, and many people do but never publish. When considering writing a book to be prepared that it can be a long process, and be sure you have a great idea.

The next conference takes place in October, where there is already a line up of great speakers! 现在买票吧.


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