

上周,全球最大的博彩平台数字公司(Manchester Digital)的凯特·威尔逊(Kate Wilson)欢迎了屡获殊荣的公关和传播机构, 刷新的劳拉·马希特和露西·摩尔,以及专业的IT网络安全分销商, Distology克洛伊·瑟尔沃尔说, to a panel discussion centring on how employer brand should be an instrumental element of any scaling strategy. 

The event was the first in Manchester Digital’s Tech Bites series and covered recommendations for scaling tech companies competing in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

在过去的几年里,全球最大的博彩平台已经成为一个蓬勃发展的科技中心. From the northern HQs of global enterprises to several tech unicorns and multiple successful startups, 这座城市已经成为蓬勃发展的科技公司的著名热点. 然而, competing in a crowded market to attract and retain the best talent in the business can often be a challenge.

Distology是目前在全球最大的博彩平台蓬勃发展的科技领域享受乐趣的公司之一, 刷新的扩展策略支持哪一种. 这是他们在讨论中对其他处于类似情况的公司的建议……

1. 确保时机正确

在适当的时候找一家公关公司,不要急于求成. 接下来的A轮融资是一个好时机


一个强大的品牌确实会让这个过程变得更容易, 公司对员工和客户/顾客的相关利益相关者更有吸引力, 你可能想要在B轮融资中瞄准的潜在投资者. 

PR can then support everything from building employer brand to attract and retain talent to increasing brand awareness across new and existing target sectors/markets, 甚至是销售线索的产生.

2. 制定时间和策略

就像你的整体商业战略一样, put the time in to plan and assign a dedicated team to develop and shape your employer's brand strategy, 再把它付诸实践.

进一步说, 确保你设定了围绕你想要实现的目标的SMART目标, 在制定你的方法/总体策略之前,详细说明你将如何实现目标.

设定kpi! 与任何策略一样,衡量成功并根据需要进行调整是至关重要的. 如果有些东西不起作用, 你知道你需要改变你的方法, 所以要经常回顾和追踪

3. 确保你的营销和人力资源团队在你的雇主品牌战略上协同工作

最大化你成功的机会, your employer brand strategy should be developed by both your marketing and HR teams collaboratively. 这确保了它真正地模拟了业务,并结合了内部和外部的观点, your messaging is cohesive across the board and your values are not only represented but championed and embraced unanimously.

4. 从你现在的员工开始


Starting with your current workforce and putting a big focus on instilling a positive culture really does

虽然不可能凭空变出候选人, living and breathing your values internally across your current team first is essential before shouting about them externally. 

这种方式, 当合适的候选人出现的时候, 你已经做了很多工作来支持你的文化/雇主品牌.

你现在的员工是你最大的支持者, 所以从它们开始是很重要的

善待他们, 庆祝他们的成功/里程碑, 通过惊喜和快乐的包裹来奖励他们的出色工作, 让他们参与到你的任务中来, let them have a say in the direction of the business and inform them on how they can personally make an impact when it comes to the success of the company.

除此之外,对外宣传他们的成功,例如通过你的社交渠道. 在哪里
适当的, 你还应该把他们定位为公司的有名无实的领导, 如果他们觉得舒服的话

使他们能够通过外部渠道对趋势等事情发表评论, 是一个让他们感到被授权的好方法吗. 

T在这里 could also be an opportunity for them to deliver talks to university students/at relevant industry events, 专注于如何在科技领域发展事业,就像这样, when those who attend such events are ready to start their careers or are potentially looking to switch careers/jobs, 你的生意已经摆在我的面前了.

5. 当涉及到你的雇主品牌时,实践你所宣扬的.

众所周知,科技行业正在努力弥合日益扩大的技能差距, 将吸引和留住人才作为任何商业战略的基本要素.

专注于你的雇主品牌正变得越来越重要, 人才短缺已成为全面的主要威胁. Positioning the company as a great place to work and really shouting about your positive culture will help bolster your talent pipeline. 

It is however essential you really do practice what you preach when it comes to adopting a positive culture and implementing perks/benefits 那 affirm your company’s spot as a great place to work. 

进一步说, 不要害怕询问别人对你公司的看法, 对内对外, plus what their sentiment towards it is - constructive criticism only helps you to grow and improve.

此外,在招聘新员工时,确保他们的价值观与公司的价值观一致. 你可以教书

6. 让你的品牌人性化

除了建立你的整体品牌, which is very much centred on the company and the work it does showcase the faces working behind the scenes across the business on your own channels (particularly your website and social media).

While general brand building really focuses on getting in front of as many of the right people with the
right messages as possible, communicating what you’re passionate about, what your offering is (from

It centres on your values, how you’re supporting your team and really tells your story as a company,
包括品牌背后的人. 这篇文章特别能帮助人们理解他们是否
我想为你工作, 如果你们的价值观一致,最终, what you stand for – these are the pieces 那 are most likely to resonate with prospective and existing talent.

7. 行业奖项

Awards are hugely effective and should be included in any employer brand strategy – Distology has had a lot of success in this area, winning multiple coveted awards including CRN’s 2020 Technical Employee of the Year at the Women in Channel Awards, 还是因为其对多样性和性别平等的关注而继续得到认可. 

除了, CRN named Distology its 2020 Cloud Distributor of Year and 2019 Distributor of the Year sub £250m – these have really helped build a positive employer brand, 因为人们想为获奖公司工作. 

而在过去的一年里, 刷新 was named Prolific North’s tech PR agency of the year and PR Moment’s boutique PR agency of the year.

和, it’s not just winning 那’s important – being shortlisted is also effective from a brand awareness/employer brand standpoint.

8. 利用你自己的渠道和可利用的资源

社交媒体是关键. The work both Distology and 刷新 are doing to humanise their businesses across owned social media channels and essentially showcase the people behind the scenes via series such as ‘meet the team,已被证明是成功的。. 

T在这里’s also an opportunity to weave in messaging around really practicing what you preach from a workplace culture standpoint, 这有助于建立内部拥护者的网络, who organically share their positive personal workplace experiences across their own LinkedIn channels, 进一步帮助建立一个积极的雇主品牌.

除此之外,Distology通过其专门的职业网站取得了很大的成功. 值得注意的是,它不需要修饰,但是, 只要你有东西可以驱使应聘者, 这确实有助于吸引人才. 

更新招聘广告,调整你在职位描述中使用的语言, 同时尝试不同的职位头衔, 另一个确保你吸引不同人的好方法是什么. 

同样重要的是,确保你的招聘广告中没有任何障碍——如果有的话, 一定要有个理由. Ensure your recruitment process isn’t too lengthy either and involve your team in decisions on new hires – as anybody you appoint, 影响他们的工作体验.

最后, capitalise on the resources readily available to you and collaborate with relevant associations/credible partners within the sector. 还有全球最大的博彩平台数字, 大全球最大的博彩平台良好就业宪章, Business Growth Hub and GrowthAccelerator are great resources to lean into for everything from hiring, 分享最佳实践,帮助塑造公司文化.

If you’re interested in finding out how PR could help promote your employer brand, reach out to the
团队 刷新. 如果你对科技行业的职业感兴趣,那就探索一下这些角色 Distology 目前
招聘 在这里.

