

If you work in digital in the public sector, you’re probably aware of accelerated delivery. 它有助于更快、更有效地构建项目,并降低风险. 

如果您的团队对交付速度不熟悉, we’ve outlined 10 questions to ask yourself and your team to make sure you’re set up for success. 但首先,我们来快速回顾一下它的好处:

  • 你的团队会更早、更频繁地学习, 让他们处于更好的位置,定期获得价值, 并以他们的知识为基础, 专业知识, 和信心. 它还为团队创造了一个安全的学习环境, 实验和尝试的东西,创造全面, 多样化的产品.
  • You won’t need to rework things that don’t fulfil user needs because you’ll be using the right feedback and data to make decisions that increase the chances of creating the right product the first time round.
  • You’ll be able to narrow your focus onto the most important problems and priorities based on value instead of trying to resolve several priorities at once, 这将减少成功的机会. 
  • You’ll be able to pivot more quickly at times when the data and feedback shows something’s not working as expected, 让你更快进入市场, 以及更早的投资回报.


1. 我们理解这个问题了吗?

在踩油门之前,最好先面对正确的方向. 你试图解决的最终问题是关键. This question must be answered early, and an effective discovery phase will do that. 

整个团队, 包括管理人员和行政人员, 应该与问题及其影响和风险保持一致吗. 

Once the problem is fully understood and articulated clearly from the users’ perspective, 你的团队可以用不同的想法和选择来创新解决问题.

例如, you could carry out a product workshop focusing on the needs and pain points of the target users so everyone’s aligned, 无论是在开始的时候,还是在接下来的时候. 这样你可以回到你的视野,这样你就知道它仍然是准确的.

2. 我们了解我们的用户吗?

了解你的用户, 问题的影响及其潜在的解决方案对他们的生活, 是至关重要的. 它为用批判的眼光看待设计和原型奠定了基础, 在回答“我们建造了正确的东西吗?, 以正确的方式?”

例如, 您的团队可以收听并参与一些用户研究, 亲眼看到,亲耳听到, 这将有助于缩小用户和问题解决者之间的差距.

This way teams can prioritise quicker by having a shared understanding of users’ needs and the impact the things you’re building have in their lives.

3. 我们被授权了吗??

To solve problems, your team must have trust in the leadership to accelerate delivery. 缺乏可能意味着需要基础工作.

This means removing overbearing governance so teams can work out how to best solve problems. Governance structures that allow for problems to be surfaced safely and let teams solve them are the ones most able to adopt agile and lean ways of working. 

作为领导者, 你的目标应该是在团队中培养良好的工作关系, 以及与外部部门和组织的合作, 为他们提供成功交付的合适平台. 

4. 我们是自主的吗??

团队是否可以自己将所需的工具和过程放置到位? 它可能是从Scrum到基于看板的工作流程切换的自由, 或者从故事指向t恤大小的用户故事.

作为一个组织, 当然, 您应该有一组合理且适当的默认值, 一定程度的一致性, 用标准的符号表示. 但是如果一个团队想要进行实验,他们需要被允许并且能够这样做.

回顾会议是一个关键的论坛. 他们应该根据需要经常推动流程中的变更. An autonomy here applies to a couple of things: it applies to ways of working but also to the thing they’re building.

你的团队有这样的空间吗, 自由, flexibility and the support needed to be autonomous in arriving at the best way to tackle a problem?

This is critical because getting leadership to provide them with what they need will in turn help them to move blockers and clear a path forward for them, 并且能够成功地加速交付. 

5. 是否有合适的人参与?

合适的人在房间里吗(或者,越来越多的人在Zoom里)? 虽然在早期阶段只包括设计和产品人员是很诱人的, 最好组建一个多学科的团队.

Including technology people and subject matter experts means a range of perspectives are taken into account, 同时也帮助我们发现可能发生的事情, 然后降低风险. 它还可以帮助所有角色的人员构建环境和对产品的理解, 交付的问题和目标.

Define who should be at meetings, why, what value they’ll bring and gain, and what their role is. 一旦这个建立起来, 目标是让团队从一开始就感到兴奋、积极和投入, 并努力确保这种能量在整个分娩过程中都存在.

Cohesion from the start stops the delivery from stuttering throughout when you might need to get people on board, 了解其他约束条件. 

6. 我们合作得如何?

通过围绕正在进行的项目建立多学科团队, and removing as many barriers to communication and collaboration between designers and developers as possible, 您可以将迭代周期从几天甚至几周减少到仅仅几个小时.

This could be a longer term goal for those teams who are at the early stages of their journey or new to this level of collaboration.

These days with many being remote, we need to think about collaboration differently. We need to make sure people have a sustainable amount of time to do things in the right way. 

It can be more intense but you should mitigate this by making sure people can take regular breaks and still have their individual brainstorming time. 

市面上有很多类似Figma的工具, 草图, 还有其他丰富的原型工具可以帮助团队远程协作. 

7. 我们是多样化的吗?? 

你的团队越多元化,就能获得越多的经验. 这意味着人口统计学, backgrounds and experience – all essential to bringing different perspectives and reducing bias. 

It’s equally important in your personas and user groups to make sure your products address the needs of all users rather than some.

8. 我们的迭代速度有多快?

快速迭代是加速交付的核心. 自动化部署和测试可以显著缩短发布周期. 

例如, 与之前的团队合作, we explored a few different testing strategies and managed to automate the whole test suite. 除了一些基本的视觉和完整性检查外,我们没有手动测试, 每一个变化都要经过这些. 一旦所有的测试都成功了,我们就可以部署到生产环境并投入使用, 这种情况一天发生好几次, 帮助我们快速解决问题.

尽可能接近实时地收集数据有助于快速迭代, 而且方向是正确的. 通过证明快速发布周期是可能的, you can build trust in your organisation that accelerated delivery is the right approach for more substantial projects.

9. 我们是否朝着同一个目标努力?

在开发团队之前工作的设计团队可能会创造一种虚假的经济. 创建交接, 以及在简报上的反复讨论, 是重复努力的秘诀吗. 

Remember the goal here is to minimise rework and reduce waste so you can deliver value faster, and you’ll be in a better place to achieve this if everyone receives the same brief and context, 解决同样的问题, 同时, 一起计划和确定目标.

例如, 这看起来就像在表演单口相声, 规划, 细化, 展示和复古在一起,所以你是一个完全多学科的人, 跨职能团队. 

10. 新十大正规博彩网站评级者什么时候可以开始贡献?

Making sure new team members are productive from day one is about more than productivity – it makes them feel valued, 并定下正确的基调. 

这意味着在正确的时间提供正确的信息, 让人们开始工作,并高效地进入公司. 

When new joiners struggle to contribute, it may be a sign that better ways of working are possible. 例如, you could break up projects into small tasks and encourage others on the team to work with new joiners to get them off to the best start. 

It’s about creating an environment where everyone can make a valuable contribution to the progress of the delivery. Plus you get the added benefit of avoiding knowledge silos which reduce the risk of institutional knowledge loss when someone leaves. 


This is not so much about the tools or even process to achieve accelerated delivery. It’s about creating a positive working culture – one in which your team is empowered to make decisions, 感受到了实验的安全和自由, 公开交流, 在这种情况下,持续关注和反馈的价值是显而易见的. 

无论是奠定文化基础, 或者为您的组织确定正确的工具和流程, 我们是来帮忙的. If you’re interested in learning more about introducing or improving accelerated delivery in your team, 请 保持联系 通过我们的网站,或 在领英上联系我. 或者,了解更多全球最大的博彩平台 数码服务交付 来自Made Tech.

