
在聚光灯下- KindGeek

在全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与Kindgeek对话.


Kindgeek is a technology company specialising in consultancy services and software development based in Lviv, 乌克兰. Kindgeek提供软件工程, 敏捷交付, 产品设计, 云计算, DevOps, 大数据, 数据科学, 维护, 支持服务.

在市场上销售了七年, 我们已经成长为一个拥有200多名极客的团队, 继续在公司所有领域进行扩展. 

金融科技是我们的重点领域, 但我们也在教育领域工作, 医疗保健, 零售, 为中小企业和初创企业提供定制软件开发. We’re proud that our clients were able to raise almost $1B of investments in total with our software development and advisory services. 

从零开始开发自己的产品, we firmly believe in a product-oriented approach and build products with a focus on the final users.


What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

One of the most significant issues the tech industry faces nowadays is customer engagement. The market is full of applications of the same type, focusing on the same issues. Engaging users and grabbing their attention in a world full of digital noise caused by Covid-19大流行 and a full-scale Russian invasion of 乌克兰 has become more difficult due to psychological factors. 成长, businesses need to focus on solving real issues by deeply researching their target audiences and finding solutions to the core pain points. 

Security and privacy are the other concerns the tech sector faces due to global geopolitical circumstances. McKinsey latest cybersecurity report reveals a $2 trillion market opportunity for cybersecurity technology and service providers due to the increased risks of cyberattacks, creating a unique moment in time for innovation in the cybersecurity industry. 



经过七年的努力, our company has experienced three major crises: the beginning of war in the east of 乌克兰, Covid-19大流行, 一场全面战争, 然而,没有一个影响到我们的增长. 尽管一直以来, the company continues to show stability and expands; we’ve developed 100+ products, more than 20 of which gained millions of investments and reached a self-financing milestone. Our most outstanding achievement lies in building meaningful partnerships with clients where we benefit and scale altogether.



对于很多公司来说, our greatest challenge was during the sudden outbreak of Covid-19大流行, 当所有的公司都受到不确定性的打击, 许多项目被关闭. 我们为成功适应大流行形势而感到自豪, 尽管有些项目已经关闭, 我们没有裁员. 我们稳定了局势,继续实现我们的目标.   

在俄罗斯入侵期间,这一经验也对我们有所帮助. We adapted quickly, as we are used to working efficiently, even remotely. 因为我们的总部在利沃夫, 43 miles to the Polish border and several hundreds of miles from active hostilities, we helped our employees relocate to the west or abroad and redefined many operational processes to make everything run smoothly.

我们已经成功地适应了新的现实, 保留所有项目, 遵守所有的截止日期, and never lost sight of our primary goal – to be a platform for positive change for our clients and partners.

在KindGeek, 我们继续工作, though the first few days of the invasion were tricky in terms of efficiency. Since March, most of our employees, 95%, have returned to their regular workflow.  最振奋人心的是我们签了新项目, 没有停止招聘, 并对新的项目和伙伴关系持开放态度. 即使在动荡的环境中, Kindgeek retains its stability by taking cybersecurity measures and having emergency planning. 


What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

是英国最大的科技中心之一, Manchester hosts a community of numerous digital and tech businesses – from start-ups and SMEs to global brands and numerous homegrown, 优秀的企业家. 自2020年以来, it has encountered many economic challenges that arose due to Covid-19大流行’s aftershock and Russia’s invasion of 乌克兰.

全球最大的博彩平台的关键行业——金融科技, 网络安全, 电子商务, SaaS, and 医疗保健 – resilience and sustainability are the keys to the future. 为了保持竞争力,保持行业的风帆, the city and its business sector have to find ways to optimise resources, 获取更多的数字化信息, and build products that optimise core processes for the long run – primarily by implementing corporate responsibility, 可持续发展实践以及利用人工智能和机器学习技术. 

对于Fintech, AI and ML are game changers; these technologies can improve awareness, 降低成本, 帮助做出数据驱动的决策, 实现核心流程自动化. 除了, SEON, 网络安全组织, found that cyberattacks almost doubled from 2021 to 2022 in the US and UK. 在英国,银行欺诈也出现了类似的增长, with this type of attack happening 66 per cent more in 2021 than in 2020. 减轻网络欺诈的影响,确保成本安全, UK’s Fintech has to invest in cybersecurity throughout the digital transformation. 


最初,  Kindgeek was made up of a significant share of aspiring university students, 所以我们开始是一家以学生为基础的公司. 体面的高等教育, 扁平化组织结构, 创业精神塑造了这个行业, 奠定了基础, and gave rise to many other employees who’ve started their own service and product companies; there’re already 11 of them. 自从Kindgeek发布以来, we have aimed to be a platform for positive change for our clients and employees


