

We may be exaggerating but we feel a bit like Rose from Titanic...


Okay we know that it hasn't actually been that long, but this pandemic sure has felt like an age. 而在英国,事情又开始开放了, we still find it crazy that what at the time seemed like a short break from the office turned into a full year of working from home. 在COVID-19大流行期间开展工作并不容易, and has affected everyone in different ways: some have found a new work/life balance that they may have thought was impossible before, whilst others have felt stunted being home and are itching to return to the office.

不管你是否穿着睡衣工作, or wake up at the crack of dawn to exercise – we've all tried new things during this time. Some have gone well (remember when everyone was obsessed with baking banana bread? 美味啊), and some haven't (did anyone actually complete any Joe Wicks workouts?). That's why we're sharing 5 things we've learnt whilst working during a pandemic, 以及这对你有什么帮助.

5.  美化你在家办公的空间

From a lot of the interesting virtual Zoom backgrounds you can see on just about any conference call, it's clear that everyone's home environment doesn't always permit them to work as they'd desire. But the space you work in is can 真的 affect your mood and wellbeing, 毕竟你一天中可能有三分之一的时间是在那里度过的. 以下是对我们的同事有用的方法:

"Getting a desk”, before I was sharing with my fiancé and it was hell. Having your own personal space w在这里 you know you’ll work to and have was great. 划分区域很重要." 黛西
"One of my things for helping with working from home would be a proper work station to work from." - - - - - -泰勒
“两个屏幕, 有一张桌子, 鼠标和键盘, 还有我桌子旁边的植物/花真的帮助了我." – 弗兰基

不管是新桌子, 一些植物的绿色植物,让这个地方焕然一新, 或者拥有两个屏幕的游戏改变者, 开辟出一个真正属于你的空间是很重要的.

4. 开始一项新爱好永远不会太晚

This is the type of cheesy thing you'd expect from a motivational self-help guide, but we 真的 支持这一点. 通勤时间更少, 或者实际见面, 你有足够的时间去培养新的爱好. 其实你不需要这么做 面对它,你只需要享受它.

"I've started painting during the pandemic and also learned how to make things out of clay. This would be my advice to get through the pandemic – start that hobby you never had time for before. 你甚至不需要很擅长, the goal is just to feel 好 and forget about work/lockdowns for a few hours." – 戴安娜


“学吉他对我来说是一件新鲜事. Other than that I started doing some fitness exercises at home, 下班后骑自行车,从11月开始经常开车." – 德拉格
"I've been lucky enough to pick up skateboarding early in my life and I skate whenever I can and feel like I need time for myself or to relax - skateboarding give me all the above." - - - - - -卢卡斯

3. 你仍然可以找到你梦想中的角色

在hackajob, 在大流行期间,我们有很多新成员, so we know a thing or two about what it's like to start a new role in a time such as this. 你可能还在担心登机的事, 或者结识新朋友, 这是完全有可能的. And t在这里 are plenty of tech companies hiring via hackajob currently. 创建一个配置文件只需要5分钟 在这里.

“在开始的时候有个伙伴很棒. The fact that we went through everything together was so helpful!" – 佩雷斯就是一个例证
“入职过程很棒, we also have these 'coffee dates' each week with a different member from the wider team so we get to know more people. 这并不是“办公室冷门聊天”。, but it's actually a great way to build those friendships with people you may not have been able to meet before." – 一嗨租车

2. You can still socialise (online or socially distanced of course)


不管你是否内向, 外向或者两者兼而有之,这是肯定的, 我们人类是社会生物. 虽然我们中的一些人可能喜欢呆在舒适的家里, the pandemic has 真的 taken the choice away from us to do many of the things we love – from the gym to eating out to meeting friends and family. 工作社交是走出自己的“泡沫”的好方法。.

“团队社交很好. I also think the fact we do the weekly all hands and celebrate successes is 真的 好 too! It means as a new member of the team you can see how the wider business is doing. Also day to day the instant style of messaging like Slack has helped." – 佩雷斯就是一个例证
“在我们每月的团队聚餐中十大正规博彩网站评级团队社交元素, 像超级碗这样的公司活动也很有趣. 所以还有一个法元." – 泰勒

1. 你的健康和幸福很重要

Now more than ever, it's clear that our health is 真的 important. 你是否照顾好自己的身体, 或精神上, t在这里 have been many great initiatives and insights to help us. 不好也没关系. 我们确实生活在一种流行病的生活中 不是 正常,所以如果你也觉得不正常,没关系. 我们问了一些同事在这段时间里是什么帮助了他们:

“首先,每工作2-3小时休息一下. 其次, 至少在周末出去呼吸一下新鲜空气, but respect all the sanitary measures regarding the pandemic situation. And lastly, try to not mix work with other things that may distract you. Stay focused when working and enjoy your free time doing things that make you happy."       - - - - - -罗伯特。
"What I've learned is - a lot of people fall into depression during the pandemic, 由于各种因素,但主要是失业, not being able to see friends or simply having too much time on their hands making people overthink stuff. What I've learned is that a hobby will keep you happy and going in any circumstances [...]. Find a hobby that makes you express yourself and you will get through the worst possible scenario easily."         - - - - - -卢卡斯

We hope you've enjoyed our top 5 things that we learned whilst working during a pandemic. 什么对你有用?? 一定要让我们知道.

就像你读过的或者想要更多这样的东西? 让我们知道! 电子邮件我们 在这里 或DM我们: 推特, LinkedIn, 脸谱网,我们很乐意听到你的消息.

