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This article is written by Zahraa Murtaza (Principal Agile Delivery Lead / Consultant, GFT)继最近的“拥抱公平:数字女性”之后.

在国际妇女节(3月8日星期三),我的同事 Dawn Blenkiron and I attended Embrace Equity: The Digital Women in 2023.

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艾玛·格兰特, Head of Talent and Skills at Manchester Digital

The event was hosted by Digital Her, hackajob和Bruntwood科技公司在全球最大的博彩平台庆祝2023年国际妇女节.

I was part of the final panel focusing on ‘equity’. 这是一个艰难的小组讨论,对数字领域有一些非常有趣的见解, especially for women.

We had a packed agenda starting from 3pm and finishing at 8.30pm.

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Ellis Wadsworth and Frankie Rooney, Hackajob

The event started with the inspirational 艾玛·格兰特全球最大的博彩平台数字公司人才和技能主管,介绍DigitalHer以及神话 Frankie Rooney (Senior Customer Advocacy Manager) and Ellis Wadsworth (Senior Talent Acquisition Manager) from hackajob.



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吉尔少女, EMIS

Feature talk: Technology for Good, From Corrie to Covid by 吉尔少女, Programme Director, EMIS Group Operations

Key takeaway

You don’t need to know what path to take to end up in tech. 科技是为每个人服务的,你可以回避,也可以在做你喜欢的事情的同时,为社会做出贡献. Gill,谢谢你在EMIS所做的出色工作——我相信你的岳父在你的冲刺回顾会上会有很多话要说.

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Emerging opportunities in tech & digital in 2023

面板: Emerging opportunities in tech & digital in 2023

主持人: Sherelle Fairweather, Digital Strategy Lead, Manchester City Council


o    Tracey Butler - Group Head of IT at EMIS Group

o   朱尔斯Hyam, Director of Talent Acquisition Strategy at 6point6

o   Elisabeth Mancini, UX Manager, The Very Group

o   Barbara Schädel, Senior Product Manager – Mobile Apps, Boohoo

o   Eliza Latesen, Head of Marketing, VCG Technology Services

Key takeaway

科技拥抱那些快速失败的人,但最重要的是那些勇于尝试的人. 再一次。, 我们的大多数小组成员都没有预料到自己会进入科技行业,并在科技领域拥有如此丰厚的职业生涯. “科技将继续存在”的结束语再正确不过了. 令人惊叹的小组成员清楚地表明,科技是一个面向所有人的行业.

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Laura Bayliss, Founder and CEO of TimeTrove

Feature talk: Find your purpose by LAURA BAYLISS - Founder and CEO of TimeTrove

Key takeaway

I’m a huge fan of Laura! A sole-founder of an inspirational tech-for-good company. Laura captivated the audience and showed how, in times of adversity, 你可以看到光明的一面,通过不放弃而得到奖励和认可! I really admire the work Laura does, 作为一个不喜欢社交媒体以及它对年轻人的影响的人. TimeTrove is something we didn’t realise we needed. For anyone interested, please visit TimeTrove

最后一个小组 (which I was part of):

What equity means for the digital woman in 2023

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What equity means for the digital woman in 2023

主人 Parul辛格, Recruitment Marketing Partner, XDesign


o   Ineshka De Silva, Senior Design Consultant, Capco

o   Roselyn Mutongerwa, Innovation Consultant/Founder & DE&I Advocate, Wazoku/WEMVision

o   Jessica Stewart, Software Engineer, BAE Systems

o   Zahraa Murtaza (Me), Principal Agile Lead, GFT

o   Laura Brewis, Acting Engineering Manager & STEM community lead, XDesign

We had 5 main questions around equity:

1)关注的焦点已经从工作场所的“平等”转向了“公平”. What does ‘equity’ mean to you?





Key takeaways

首先,我要非常感谢我们的主持人Parul和我的小组成员. 这是我第一次参加小组讨论,这是一个很好的机会,能和这些优秀的人坐在一起讨论非常重要的话题. 

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Zahraa Murtaza, Principal Agile Lead at GFT

In terms of equity, 我们需要明白,每个人都是有不同人生起点的个体, 我们应该接受这一点,而不是为它设定一个“目标”. We’re all different, and we need to embrace our differences. 我们讨论了如何创造一个更加多元化的工作场所,以及从小就开始吸引不同类型的人的必要性. 

I’m extremely lucky that at GFT (thanks to our amazing Marketing Manager Dawn Blenkiron), 我们正在对大全球最大的博彩平台的学校进行演讲,并向年轻人展示, especially girls, that anyone can pursue a career in tech. For us at GFT, diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I)是一个重要的话题,由于我们的首席人事官的努力, Judy Pitrakou

Being a female South Asian Muslim, 其实我并不觉得自己和其他同事有什么不同, thanks to GFT and our UK Leadership Team向所有人,尤其是年轻女孩,展示科技就是未来... and it starts with each individual!

全球最大的博彩平台“冒名顶替综合症”这个术语,我的意见是不要使用这个术语. If you feel you can’t do your role, 你可能正处于一个适合你的职位,因为它会给你机会扩展你的技能! The previous panel spoke about how we as females, 看一份工作描述,往往会关注我们不能做什么,而不是我们能做什么. I say let’s apply for roles that stretch and develop us. No one is perfect. 我们只能在失败和学习中学会更好的自己! Let’s start changing the narrative. Let’s start stretching our skills.

我非常幸运,因为在工作中我从来没有感觉到或遇到过任何障碍——除了我自己! We need to start building ourselves up and take risks. If you fail, it’s a learning experience, not a rejection.

Final feature talk - The importance of not undervaluing your value

Donna Jennings, Cyber Security Architect at 6point6 and 朱尔斯Hyam, Director of Talent Acquisition Strategy at 6point6

Key takeaway

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朱尔斯Hyam and Donna Jennings

‘Throw it in the don’t care bucket’

我们需要停止关心别人怎么说,不再把我们当作个体来看待. We need to feel valued and be rewarded fairly. 我真的很欣赏唐娜讲述她获得和获得公平工资的经历. 当我们受到不公平待遇时,我们需要大声疾呼,确保我们都能得到公平的工资, 尤其是当我们知道男性同事的薪水更高的时候. 我建议使用外部网站来弄清楚你的真正价值是什么.

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Digital Her role model speed networking

The final part of the evening was a speed networking event. 前提是让每个人都说话,然后分成三人一组.



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