
Flutter Version 3.13:证明13并不总是不吉利的

Flutter新版本| Foresight Mobile

It only seems like yesterday that we were drooling over the minor improvements that 版本3.10 .扑动 给了我们. The Flutter team has really listened to the feedback they got on 版本3.10次,显示为3次.13使它相形见绌. 增强图形, 提升的性能, 更多自定义选项, 2 d滚动, 和更多的, you can see why the Foresight Mobile team is so excited about what these new improvements could mean for our 客户的应用. Let’s look at these new additions in closer detail.


Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google, and it's used to develop 跨平台的 applications from a single codebase. 与颤振, 远见移动打造美丽, 快, 以及面向移动设备的本土化应用程序, 网络, 桌面, 以及嵌入式设备. We love using it because it makes apps straightforward to build, 维护, 更新, 而且变化很快, which is ideal for our client's’ needs (and it stops us from ripping out what little hair we have left).

什么是Flutter ?.13?

颤振3.13 is the latest quarterly stable release of the Flutter platform. This release includes a number of new features and improvements that have us jumping up and down in our seats.


很高兴你问了! This latest release is far more comprehensive than the last one, and it’ll give our clients so much more flexibility to tailor their apps exactly how they want them to look, 运行, 声音, 和感觉.


Thanks to improvements in the Impeller graphics renderer, Flutter apps on iOS now render significantly 快er. This will be especially noticeable in apps with complex animations or graphics. 对苹果用户来说还有更多好消息, macOS叶轮 现在可在预览模式. Android users will have to wait a bit longer for Impeller, 然而, 因为这个版本还在开发中. However, it shouldn’t be too long before this is introduced too. 

2 d滚动

颤振3中新的2D滚动api.13 make it easier to create apps with smooth and responsive scrolling behaviour. These APIs are based on the CSS scrolling model, which we’re already familiar with (and a big fan of).


颤振3.13 also introduces new Sliver classes for fancy scrolling, such as SliverGrid and SliverList. These classes make it easier to create complex and sophisticated scrolling layouts, 比如网格, 列表, 和菜单.


  • 优越的图像加载性能
  • 升级对键盘输入的支持
  • 改进的可访问性支持
  • 更好地支持可折叠设备, a new API to retrieve various properties of a display has been added
  • Platform adaptive dialogue and character recognition in TextField have been improved
  • 更多的自定义材料部件
  • Improvements to the performance and usability of DevTools
  • 错误修复 
  • 应用程序将获得 材料3 colours, text styles, and other visuals by default.
  • 支持Android 14/API 34
  • iOS 17和Xcode 15准备就绪


All these improvements mean that the Foresight Mobile team can create and 维护 your app with even greater flexibility. We’ve been working with Flutter since its inception in 2017, 所以当新版本出现时, 我们可以很容易地适应. Regardless of whether you’re starting from scratch with a new 跨平台的 project or you have an existing Flutter app that you want to 更新, 我们的专家团队可以接受这些新版本.13个特点,并把它们变成你的优势. Hit the button below to book a free consultation, and be sure to 保持联系 if you have any questions about this latest release of Flutter.

