
首先. 为什么我们叫Foresight Mobile ?

回到2017年, 我们的首席技术官和创始人, Gareth Reese (who’d been involved in mobile app development for 15 years) 太k a look at emerging technologies 和 decided that we were going to concentrate on developing apps using Google’s new 颤振 platform.

In other words, Gareth used a bit of foresight, 和 that’s where the name came from.

So. 为什么选择颤振 ?


颤振,与…一起 反应本地,代表了应用程序开发工具的新浪潮. Back in the early days, you either got an 安卓 app or an iOS app for your money. 这个选择很简单,也很有限制.

Roll back to 2010 和 Microsoft released a development framework called Xamarin的. Xamarin的 allowed developers to write one codebase which produced both an 安卓 app 和 an iOS app. 这个,还有飘浮的 离子本质上是…的开始 跨平台开发.

让我们向前滚动十年. Xamarin的离子 have both been superceded - as part of a natural evolutionary process - by a couple of completely new development frameworks which have essentially changed the whole mobile app development l和scape. 

React native和flutter


如果你现在正在编写手机应用,你有三种选择. Either hardware requirements will constrain you to use (expensive) Native development, or you should really look at either Facebook’s 反应本地 or Google’s 颤振.

Use anything else 和 you can either unnecessarily spend a fortune or find you’ve adopted something weird 和 wonderful which will be unsupported 和 ab和oned by developers in a year to eighteen months.


Both are the product of evolution from earlier cross platform software - Facebook 和 Google have learnt from prior mistakes, 在应用方面, 特性集, documentation 和 support 和 the result is two development 太lsets which developers like (always a bonus) - both have seen widespread adoption 和 inarguably, 两者都得到了很好的支持,并将持续很长一段时间.

意见不一,但两者之中,我们更喜欢颤振. 原因如下.


One of 颤振’s many major plus points is that Google have actually listened to what the wider developer community want. Without developers wanting to learn a new framework, there isn’t much point writing one.

颤振很容易学习和使用. 它是基于——不像反应本地——的 Dart编程语言,这很容易学. Anyone with a grounding in C or C# will pick up Dart with relative ease.

没有太多的技术,颤振是快速发展. 它非常直观,有很好的支持和文档. As a developer, you don’t have to spend all day fixing pointlessly awkward mistakes.

所以,这就是开发者所得到的. 作为顾客,你得到了什么 ?

嗯,怎么样? 40 to 50% off the price of developing separate 安卓 和 iOS apps, for a start ? 这就是使用颤振开发应用程序的效率. 您节省了昂贵的开发时间, 和 there’s also less problems with ongoing support 和 maintenance - just one codebase to maintain. 不是两个.

你会得到很好看的应用,而且很容易维护, have a similar look 和 feel across platforms 和 which utilise the latest, futureproof技术. 颤振’s Skia engine renders graphics in the same way that a video game does. 这是第一次,从来没有人这样做过.

There are 1001 technical reasons why 颤振 is going to be the development framework of the future.



This is why we think that 颤振 is going to be the absolute must have future development framework.

颤振2.2 现在支持以下平台.

Linux (Debian - stable)


In other words, one codebase can be easily adapted to work on all the above platforms. So. 集成web,桌面和移动. 现在, you may pay slightly more to get a web app made from a mobile app build, 但是单独开发一款游戏所花费的钱还远远不够.

我们也有一些客户采取了相反的方法, 从一个web应用程序开始,并从它构建一个配套的移动应用程序. The point here is that Google is positioning 颤振 not just as a mobile app development framework, 但它适用于网络和桌面应用程序, 太.

至于未来,谷歌玩弄其 实验操作系统 - Fuchsia - which has an underlying 颤振 core - show that Google has big plans for the future of 颤振.

So that’s why we chose 颤振, 和 we’d seriously suggest that you do, 太. 感兴趣 ? 想知道更多吗? ? 点击下面的链接全球最大的博彩平台, 我们很乐意随时与你讨论你的下一个项目.

