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Email marketing is a different ball game for seasoned paid social or PPC marketers; there are so many different metrics to consider when calculating email marketing success. Some of them may not even apply to you.

The first thing one must do is establish the goals of an email marketing service; are you focused on increasing conversions, generating leads or something else entirely? Once you do this, 你可以开始考虑你想要关注的每一个指标. 让我们来看看当你试图决定电子邮件营销成功时,你应该考虑的事情.

Open Rate

打开率定义为打开您的电子邮件的电子邮件收件人的百分比. The open rate isn’t as simple as actually “opening” an email, as there’s no way to track this particular action. However, email marketers now include a tiny, invisible tracking pixel that automatically downloads once the email is open. This pixel’s download rate goes towards measuring the email’s open rate.

Having an interesting or exciting subject line is a great way to increase your email’s open rate; including the recipient’s name will give it a personal feel and encourage them to open it if they believe that the email is directed to them. Emails with personalised subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened than those without any personalisation.

Ever since the iOS 15 update, however, 打开率一直是一个棘手的指标,它不能给出完全明确的结果. 那些选择了苹果邮件保护隐私服务的用户将会打开他们的邮件,以检查垃圾邮件和安全问题, leading to inflated open rates for email marketers across the board.

Click-through Rate (CTR)


测量电子邮件的点击率可以帮助我们了解电子邮件在产生兴趣和帮助客户通过销售渠道尝试并鼓励他们购买方面的有效性. 点击率准确地显示了电子邮件活动在将订户转移到后续网站购买方面的效果. 

The CTR is a good indicator of how engaging your content is. You can track whether your CTA, links or any images used are beneficial in encouraging users to click. If people are clicking through your emails, it’s likely that they’re enjoying the content that’s being sent.

A/B测试是提高点击率的好方法. 你可以尝试各种形式的广告文案或设计,看看你的点击率从中受益. 确定受众的趋势和偏好对于优化内容至关重要.  

Bounce Rate

电子邮件的跳出率是指没有成功到达收件人的电子邮件的百分比. 弹跳率可以分为两类:硬弹跳或软弹跳.

A soft bounce is an email that could not be delivered due to temporary reasons; maybe the recipient’s email inbox is full, and they couldn’t receive any more, or the email you’re trying to send contains files that are too large to be sent. 

由于永久性原因,有硬反弹的电子邮件无法发送. For example, the email address on your mailing list could be fake, no longer in use or using an incorrect domain name, or the recipient’s server may not be accepting emails. 如果你曾经遇到过硬反弹,收件人必须从你的电子邮件列表中删除.

Having a hard bounce isn’t necessarily the worst thing for your email marketing. 它可以让你挑选你的电子邮件列表一点,并删除任何收件人甚至不会打开或点击你的电子邮件, allowing for more natural results.

Conversion Rate

鼓励你的订户参与一个特定的行动是许多电子邮件营销的主要目标. One way to track this is by looking at your conversion rate. 转化率衡量的是点击电子邮件中的链接并对特定任务采取行动的收件人数量, whether to fill in an online form, purchase a product, leave a review or do something else entirely.

转化率是决定你是否实现目标的一个重要指标. But, if you’re noticing low conversion rates, there are things you can implement to try and increase these numbers.

Improving readability, having a killer subject line, using bright & bold fonts and designing an easy-to-use, clearly displayed CTA button can seriously increase your conversion rate. 让订阅者清楚地了解你想从他们那里得到什么是非常重要的,否则他们怎么知道你对他们的期望?

此外,引入一些旨在转换订阅者的新流可能是有益的. 生日/周年纪念流可以鼓励人们在你的网站上注册表格, thus generating leads. 回返流的目的是鼓励老顾客重新购买和重新参与你的品牌. You can do many different things to increase conversion, all of which focus on different aspects and have varying levels of success.

Number of Unsubscribers

退订率告诉您选择不再接收您的邮件的收件人的百分比. If your unsubscribe rate is low, 它表明你的邮件列表喜欢你发出的内容,并且觉得它很有趣. A good unsubscribe rate should be below 0.5%.

Having unsubscribers isn’t necessarily bad; it cleans up and fine-tunes your mailing list and removes those who maybe don’t care about your content as much as other recipients would. 摆脱那些不与你的邮件互动的人可能是一件积极的事情, 但是你也不想因为很多收件人退订而失去他们吧.

Through Klaviyo, you can create a “Sunset Flow”, designed to “phase out customers who are no longer engaging with your brand”. A “Winback” flow should be tried first, 提供奖励来吸引你的订阅者的注意力,希望你能把他们带回你的品牌. A Sunset flow will be sent to any unengaged subscriber, e.g. 某人注册了电子邮件,但很长一段时间没有与你互动. 日落流是一个伟大的方式列出干净,摆脱任何不活跃的订阅者.

Unsubscribers can be expected after you run a lead generation campaign. 许多人可能会注册你的邮件列表,试图赢得某种奖励,但后来决定不再与你的品牌互动.

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