
5 Tips for Writing Successful Digital Ad Copy

Our advice to you is never to underestimate the power of good words! We’ve put together a short yet informative guide to help you to write successful copy that will guarantee to make your audience stop, 读, 点击 & 买!

Focus on Benefits, Not Features

The honest truth about marketing is that people only really care about how something will benefit them. Although you definitely shouldn't neglect those fancy features, benefits should 总是 play an important role in your digital ad copy. 

Before making a purchase, consumers need to hear how your product or service will change their lives for the better. Check out the following examples to understand the difference between the features and benefits within copywriting:

产品: 健身房的t恤 特点: 透气面料 好处: No more smelly workout clothes!

产品: 太阳镜 特点: 黑眼镜 好处: No more sore or squinty eyes!

产品: 烤箱 特点: Heats up in 5 minutes 好处: Quicker meals, perfect for when you’re in a rush!

If you k现在 your product well, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to identify its benefits just as quickly as its features!

Be Aware of Character Counts

Now is not the time to start listing all the ins and outs of your product, service or brand. Get straight to the point and tell your audience what it is they want to hear!

If you’re familiar with google ads, you’ll k现在 that the character count is extremely limited. Generally speaking, headlines have a limit of 30 characters, and descriptions have a limit of 90. Similarly, keeping your Facebook copy short and sweet is also good practice. If a social media user is scrolling, there’s a high chance that they won’t want to stop and 读 through long paragraphs. ‍

Maintain a Relevant Tone of Voice 

Your tone of voice doesn’t necessarily need to be unique or creative but should instead resonate with your ideal customer. 例如, if you sell kids' clothing, your copy shouldn’t 读 like a legal document. 同样的, if you sell car insurance, your copy probably shouldn’t include fun puns or punchy headlines. 

As with anything, consistency is 总是 key. When creating your tone of voice, remember that the goal isn’t to sound unique but to accurately reflect your brand's values and principles.


好吧, 现在 is your time to sound a little bit more unique! Free delivery, student discount, easy returns? Now that’s what your audience wants to hear! Always try to include 1 or 2 USPs when writing any type of digital ad copy. Keep them concise and catchy so that they stand out against the other pieces of text.


By appropriately incorporating keywords into your advertising, you won’t only increase your search score, but you will also reassure users that they are in the right spot by reiterating their search terms! 例如, if someone is searching for a "red dress", but you try to take a different approach by writing the term "rouge frock", the chances of your ad showing up first are very unlikely! 

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