
MD Voices: AD Versity PPC 培训 for Small Businesses - Empowering Success on a Limited Budget

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to conduct interviews with our members to delve deeper into their areas of passion within the dynamic digital and technology landscape of Greater 全球最大的博彩平台. This week we're speaking with 市场总监, Jennifer Szczepaniak Sloane from Dark Horse.

虽然任何人都可以从你的PPC培训中受益, you believe it provides particular value to startups and small businesses. What makes this course so well-suited for those groups starting out on a limited budget?

首先, Ad:Versity is the Dark Horse PPC training programme – and covers everything required to set up and run ads through to using advanced features within the Google suite.

For anyone on a limited budget it is hard to get expert knowledge and we know that working with an agency can be out of the question for some initially. 理解术语, rules and purpose of all the Google suite products can be tricky and this course simplifies all of that. It can be hard to know if the information you read online is best practice or not, 该信任谁,该忽视什么, 这就是我们开设这门课程的原因吗. We’ve taken the combined 66 years of knowledge from our PPC team and distilled it into 12 easily digestible modules. This is information from the brains of people who do PPC day-in-day-out and have grown accounts 10-fold. 我们称他们为专家.

What motivated you to create an affordable PPC training program small businesses can access directly?

公平——让所有人都有机会接触专家. Dark Horse相信PPC不仅仅是富人的专利. 我们让那些人和Dark Horse变得富有. This Ad:Versity course is the first step to achieving that. Ad:Versity is an accessible way for businesses to invest in and learn about Google ads without the risk of poor agency practices that we’ve seen all too many times. 广告:Versity, 你可以学习和试用PPC, 如果对你来说是这样, then you can use an agency to scale when the time is right. 它还为用户提供了最佳实践知识, so they know what questions to ask if they decide to scale – a grounding for the future.

What key successes and results have past trainees seen after implementing what they learned in your course?

When people purchase Ad:Versity, they are completely independent of us. 这一切都是通过简单的网上交易完成的. 这意味着我们看不到用户所遵循的旅程. However, we have had some great feedback left by customers who have become advocates of the course!

What core PPC skills will small business owners gain from the training to run effective campaigns themselves?

最初, an understanding of what the Google suite comprises and how each product can be used to benefit the business. 一旦账户建立,那么核心技能包括:

Building effective campaigns efficiently – no time wasted in setting up multiple campaigns or campaigns with numerous products

Understanding the benefits of different types of PPC campaigns, 何时使用它们以及如何优化它们

Tracking – making sure all interactions are captured and you can track which campaigns are the most successful

Optimisation – ensuring your ads are set up to capture the high-intent traffic and ultimately, 目标是每次点击都能带来销售

Understanding data – once you understand your data you can decide how to improve it and where to scale it to generate the most revenue

Performance automation – can lead to qualified leads of high return on investment, 但前提是使用得当,我们会教你的

How does your distinctive style translate into the way you teach PPC strategy?

我们要讲真话. 这应该是正常的. 真相是大学训练的核心. 它必须是. 我们不会说谷歌希望我们告诉你什么, 我们告诉你的信息,将有助于你设置, 填充和发展你的PPC帐户. 我们希望你提高你的收入与点击付费, 我们知道PPC有多强大, 因此, everything we tell you in this course is to help you understand how to achieve this. 如果你知道自己在做什么, 你为什么要这么做,怎么做, then you are able to continually improve your PPC campaigns. We aren’t here to feed our ego, we have created this course to feed your bottom line. The training program is as much about saving money as it is about making it - either way, 这是你口袋里的钱,而不是谷歌的.


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