
Cyber Security Consultancy Experience Rapid Growth and Move Into Their New Offices

Cyber Security Partners (CSP) are a local Leeds based cyber security consultancy, which have doubled in size and experienced a record-breaking year. The team have moved into their new bigger office at Clockwise on Greek Street, to be more central for hosting meetings with clients.

CSP have hired more technical and non-technical employees over the past year, including some employees who have just graduated from re-skilling into cyber security from previous roles. CSP’s ethos is to invest back into the community and especially amongst younger individuals to give them the stepping blocks into this competitive sector. 


CSP plan to double the number of consultants, by hiring both experienced consultants and to support the company’s ethos of helping remove the skills gap by bringing new blood into the industry, through hiring staff that are re-skilling into the cyber security sector. This will help CSP maintain the high level of service and skills that their customers expect, which will help them maintain their 95% customer retention.  This also means that CSP can continue to provide its support to the technology community through its involvement in Cyber clusters, LegalTech和其他行业组织.


“Our excellent 2022 was capped off in December by the move to the new offices in central Leeds. Our focus on delivering exceptional service has produced fantastic results, 甚至超过了我们的目标. The result of this is that we can invest even more in our existing and new staff to allow us to provide even more cyber security services to customers old and new. 

We are really looking forward to an even more productive 2023.”

首席运营官Tony Payne表示:

“2022 has been a significant year for CSP and we were delighted to move to our new central Leeds office in December. This move allows us to expand and allow for strategic growth operationally and facilitate our growing number of colleagues, providing a robust and skilled service to our clients, 现在和将来. 

今年, 2023, will see a continued rapid expansion of the organisation and we are very much looking forward to see what the future holds. 大家新年快乐!”

CSP are looking forward to more profitable growth throughout the upcoming years and how they can continue to help businesses of all sizes and industries, to achieve a high level of security and compliance to increase organisational success. 


Cyber Security Partners (CSP) are a security consultancy helping clients in the rapidly growing interconnected world. 成立于2016年, CSP has grown quickly and continues to expand resulting in more clients benefiting from qualified, 经验丰富、知识渊博的顾问. 从小公司到大公司, 无论项目大小,我们都能提供帮助, to address cyber security concerns and needs, whilst keeping the business interests at the heart of what we do. We commit to keeping you and your organisation compliant with regulations, secure and protected against cyber criminals. 

The team at CSP also pride themselves on using the latest industry standard technology and processes to; analyse, 建议, 解决和实施特定的服务. This reduces the risk of Cyber Security threats and challenges, whilst meeting the clients’ specific business requirements. So, CSP ensure clients are receiving the best service and results from a well experienced and knowledgeable team putting all these qualities into their services to help you achieve your goals.

接触的团队 CSP 通过发邮件 info@csp.合作伙伴 or call their friendly team on 0113 5323763

