

An image of a workspace with two computer screens displaying analytics data.

你好会! Can you start by telling us about yourself and your role within the agency?

Hey, I’m Will and I’ve been a web analyst at Code since December 2020. I sit across multiple product teams as and when required as I support various clients such as Hillarys, 威尔士半岛和蓝石. My role is quite varied but everything I work on is related to measurement and web (and app) analytics.

Can you tell us a bit about your background, and what attracted you to Code?

I actually did a Masters in Chemical Engineering when I was at university, and whilst my degree isn’t directly related to what I do on a day-to-day basis, 我一直都知道我喜欢处理数据和确定趋势.

在我毕业后的第一份工作, I used data to formulate production schedules for the company I worked for. I was then fortunate enough to join a graduate scheme in analytics w在这里 I picked up knowledge in tools such as Google Analytics, SQL / BigQuery, Google标签管理器, 和Power BI, 我最初对网络分析产生兴趣的地方是哪里.

Code吸引我的是他们的Make Change Friday时间, w在这里 we have Friday afternoons dedicated to personal development. In 2021, I spent this time learning how to code in a language called R and I also enrolled in an online CXL course in web analytics, 是由Code用我的年度培训预算支付的吗.

Now we’re all working flexibly, could you describe a typical day either in the office or from home?

我每天的工作通常是从几场单口相声开始的. Stand-ups generally last no more than 15 minutes and provide an opportunity for team members to update the rest of the team on w在这里 they are up to with work. It also allows for blockers to be identified and acted upon to ensure work continuously flows through. 因为我和很多产品团队合作过, 我尽量多去参加, 这样我就能了解每个项目的进展情况.

虽然听起来很老套,但对我来说,没有哪两天是完全一样的! T在这里 are some days when I have no meetings and can get my head down into some detailed work, such as scoping tracking requirements or producing an interactive report or dashboard. T在这里 are other days when I am in meetings to discuss how we should be measuring the success of what we are building. Most of the time, I am conducting analysis or implementing web analytics tracking. 我通常和设计师合作, developers and delivery managers which is what makes my role so interesting!


Late last year, we helped Hillarys migrate over to the new Google Analytics offering, GA4. Hillarys were the first client of ours to complete a full migration, 因为GA4在当时还是全新的游戏, 这对我们所有人来说都是一个陡峭的学习曲线.

Google has also recently announced they are sunsetting the current version of Google Analytics in July 2023 which means our decision to proactively migrate Hillarys to GA4 has proven beneficial. It means that Hillarys won’t lose web analytics data and means they will have at least one year’s worth of data in GA4 by the time the current version of Google Analytics gets sunsetted.


I’m particularly proud of the work we did for the Abel and Cole app. This was the first time w在这里 measurement and analytics were considered throughout the whole build process, 而不是事后才想到的.

What this meant was that we were able to analyse the impact of the app from the very start, 无需在应用程序发布后对跟踪进行改造.

这种新的工作方式被证明是成功的, 许多产品团队现在都在用这种方式工作.


Yes – the fact that data and measurement are at the heart of every product we build for our clients. We use this data to measure the impact and value we deliver for our clients, and we can also use it to continuously iterate our products and websites to deliver first-class customer experiences.

. . .

Looking for a new opportunity with a company that values personal development and growth?

We’ve got open roles across analytics, performance, research and engineering – take a look 在这里.

Want to learn more about the fundamentals of product measurement and optimisation? 请观看下面的介绍研讨会:


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