

你好,艾玛! Can you start by telling us about yourself and your role within the agency?

嘿! 我是艾玛,Code公司的送货经理. I started as a Producer in 2019 and have progressed to Professional Delivery Manager. I sit within a product team and work with an array of clients from ecommerce to travel, 以及与我的交付纪律团队密切合作.

Can you tell us a bit about your background, and what attracted you to Code?

在我攻读学位期间, I completed a placement year with a recruitment company w在这里 I stayed full-time post-graduation. I learnt invaluable skills t在这里 and started to understand more about my motivations within the workplace.

在Code学习了更多全球最大的博彩平台制作人的角色之后, I realised that a lot of the skills I’d learnt within my degree and developed in recruitment were transferable.

After being aware of Code for several years I knew that this was the type of company I wanted to work for, 因为我很欣赏他们 文化和学习机会.

One of the main things that attracted me to Code was their readiness to take on graduates and invest in their 个人发展. They see the potential in individuals and create a supportive and safe space for them to learn and grow within the product world.

The internal structure and working within a product team was also a factor, as I loved the idea of being able to work with products across the whole lifecycle. 从研究, 设计, 构建, analytics (and all things in-between) to then becoming an established long-term product partner w在这里 you became an extension of your client’s team.

Now we’re all working flexibly, could you describe a typical day either in the office or from home?

A typical day usually consists of part of the team being in the office and part from home, 哪一个仍然允许完全的协作和生产力.

我们以单口相声开始一天的生活, this is w在这里 the team get together at the same time each morning for 15 minutes to discuss what they’re working on, plans for the day and to shout if they need any support on moving work forwards. It’s a great opportunity to spot any blockers or things that may impact our effectiveness.

我喜欢我的工作的一点是,没有哪两天是完全一样的! Some days I may spend most of the day talking to different partners about their requirements and product updates, 其他可能是财务报告, 举办研讨会或规划项目范围.

My role also allows me to get involved in tasks broader than what I typical perceived as a delivery role. That can be things like updating websites images and copy within Shopify or a client CMS, working alongside a developer to test a new feature or pulling data from Google Analytics.  

What’s great about Code is you can get involved in activities outside the usual remit and learn new things every day. 不变的是团队的沟通和协作, we always make sure the full team is involved in the product from discussing new client requirements, 通过估计, 我们如何安排工作以及如何交付工作.


I’m currently working with an array of clients but one that particularly stands out is a research and 设计 project for a furniture company.

The key objective of this work is to identify opportunities to improve the commercial performance of the website, with a secondary objective to understand how inspirational content impacts customer behaviour and the end-to-end journey.

We want to reduce barriers and explore new opportunities so that we can create an optimised buying journey.


我得说我特别为一个 我们为阿贝尔做的应用 & 科尔. 这是我发布的第一款应用,它取得了巨大的成功!

It’s been a perfect example of how analytics and data should be used alongside your product to influence key decisions, 在必要时引导和通知枢轴和转弯. 同时也是一个伟大的产品, it was a pleasure to work with stakeholders who shared the same passion for the product that we did.


做配送经理, nothing gives me more satisfaction than a product being delivered on time, 预算有限,客户满意!

One of my favourites things about my job is that no two days are the same and I feel like I learn something new and interesting every week. I value being part of a team w在这里 everyone has their own craft but come together to 构建 brilliant digital products.

. . .

Looking for a new opportunity with a company that values 个人发展 and growth?

We’ve got open roles across engineering, research and UX 设计 – take a look 在这里.

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