
Opening a new Business Current Account - what you need to know

Benefits of easy access to Business Current accounts

在Competition and Markets Authority(CMA), 我们对银行提出了要求, to make it easier for you to open the right Business Current Account for your business. This means you can now save money by having the best account for your business’ needs with the bank of your choice.

作为商业银行的客户, you should never be forced into having a business account with a bank just beca使用 you have a loan or savings account with that bank. It’s not often obvious when you open a business account – some 企业往来帐 often have charges for usage. So, opening the wrong account can be costly for your business.

It’s now easier for you to choose 和 open the account that best meets your needs; this means that banks have a reason to offer a wide range of services at different costs.

This is not only beneficial to individual businesses; it can also benefit everyone else as banks need to work harder to keep their customers.


  • Banks must  make choosing 和 opening a business account easier
  • 英国大银行中的8家 不得 使用 捆绑销售的策略 to try to force you to open or maintain a business account with them beca使用 you also have a loan or savings/deposit account with them
  • Banks must provide better, comparable information about banking costs 和 quality of service 
  • Banks must make opening a business account easier through st和ardising opening procedures
  • Banks must make it easier to switch an account from one bank to another


To help you make the decision on which bank to pick, we require banks to publish information on how good the service they provide is in comparison with other banks.

这被称为服务质量指标(SQI)。, which is a simple customer satisfaction report that banks publish. 这些是单独发布的 个人往来账户 和 企业往来帐, 和 it should be easy to find SQIs on bank 和 building society websites 和 displayed in branches.


Open banking apps allow you to search for financial products offered by different banks 和 easily compare costs, 例如, 他们的交易关税. This way you can identify which current account 和 which bank best fits your business’ financial patterns 和 which to switch to if you want a better deal/ service.

我们要求对……进行改进 往来帐户转换业务(CASS). 这项服务是免费的. If you choose to move to a different business account, CASS redirects any payments from your old bank to your new account.

This means you don’t have the hassle of having to sort that out yourself. CASS is also backed by the Current Account Switch Guarantee, which guarantees that any charges incurred on your old or new account as a result of a failure of the switching process, 将被退还.

有关社科院的更多信息,请访问 为什么开关.

For more detailed information on the CMA’s banking remedies visit the CMA的博客页面.


Competition and Markets Authority

