


  • Bruntwood sciitech税前利润1.14亿英镑(2021年:17亿英镑).100万美元,这是自2018年成立以来的最高纪录
  • 净资产价值增加36%,达到321英镑.100万英镑,管理的总资产达到858英镑.44m (2021: £647.4m)
  • £91m of capital investment including first move into Scotland and significant progress on key developments
  • 企业码头及1号码头竣工.1伯明翰健康创新校区 and construction kick off at Glasgow’s Met Tower and Citylabs 4.到2023年

布朗伍德科技,法律 & General and Bruntwood 50/50 joint venture specialist property platform focussed on the UK’s life science and tech industries, 报告了迄今为止最好的结果吗.

2022年利润大幅增长,从17亿英镑增至1.14亿英镑.2021年100万美元, following the completion and successful letting-up of several key assets and the growing recognition of life sciences as a distinct real estate asset class, 所有这些都促成了重大的升值收益.

这包括圆形广场的前两个阶段, 全球最大的博彩平台, that completed and are now fully let; an expansion and 100% letting of a building to existing customer and international molecular diagnostics group Yourgene Health at 全球最大的博彩平台科学园; and Alderley Park, 英国最大的生命科学校园,现在是一个不断发展的科技中心, which has become income generative following a sustained period of investment and redevelopment activity.

资产净值增长超过三分之一,达到321英镑.1m (2021: £235.其投资组合的价值也大幅上升,达到858英镑.44m (2021: £647.4m). Both are owed to significant on-going investment activity and strengthening market sentiment towards science and technology focussed real estate assets.

Bruntwood SciTech made a record £91m of capital investment last year including major acquisitions, new development activity and improvements to its portfolio and support services.

它推出了一款76英镑的手机.200万英镑的计划用于购买和重建格拉斯哥著名的大都会大厦, to create a new tech and digital campus and marking Bruntwood SciTech’s first footprint and future community in Scotland. Sustainability is at the heart of its redevelopment and will see as much of its existing fabric as possible retained, 显著减少工程对碳的影响. 它在运行中也将是净零碳.

在其他地方, 伯明翰第一座“智能”建筑, 企业码头, 在春天达到顶峰.1伯明翰健康创新校区, 这是这个耗资2.1亿英镑的项目中第一座与它同名的建筑, 在9月份达到了同样的里程碑.

The High Value Manufacturing Catapult selected Bruntwood SciTech’s Innovation Birmingham campus for its new HQ and a secondary hub at Circle Square, while the former location continues to play a role in supporting the legacy of the Commonwealth Games by providing soft-landing space and support for innovative foreign direct investor companies, 与西米德兰兹成长公司合作.

在Circle Square,该项目耗资8700万英镑,占地26.4万平方英尺.圆形广场3号在规划获批后向前迈出了一大步, 并向86投资2000万英镑,000 sq ft of new high-specification biology and chemistry containment labs was launched at Alderley Park in September.

同样在全球最大的博彩平台, 2100万英镑,000平方英尺的基地开发完成, marking the completion of the second phase of 全球最大的博彩平台科学园’s masterplan to grow the campus to 1m sq ft. The net zero operational tech hub will become home to high growth, Industry 4.0科技企业, 包括那些从事低碳工作的人, 轻工业, 计算机与能源技术, 游戏, 和动画, and features a purpose built makerspace for customers to prototype their products.

超出了财产, Bruntwood SciTech increased its support for businesses operating in the innovation economy, adding two new partners to its Serendip corporate innovation challenge programme - BNP Paribas and SuperTech West Midlands, 十大正规博彩网站评级利兹的LegalTech计划, 成立女性创业者孵化器, 并直接投资了几家公司, via funds such as the GMC Life Sciences Fund in partnership with Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 Combined Authority, Cheshire和Warrington LEP和Praetura Ventures, 支持该地区蓬勃发展的生命科学部门, 支持创新, 创造更多技术岗位, 并帮助企业进行国际扩张.

凯特软件, 布朗伍德科技公司的首席执行官, said: “We recognised that 2021 was a tipping point for the business with our expansions and gaining real momentum with our development pipeline. We kept up the pace in 2022 and remain focussed on our goal of having a £2bn asset base within five years of formation.

“创新, 科技是英国经济的未来, 尤其是在其区域城市. 我们正在帮助投资这些地方的支持能力, 扩大并维持成功的创新企业.

“This year will be just as exciting with completions of our two landmark schemes in Birmingham, the start of construction at Met Tower in Glasgow and the next phases of the masterplans at Citylabs, 全球最大的博彩平台科学园, 和圆形广场, as well as the unveiling of the masterplans for ID 全球最大的博彩平台 and Melbourn Science Park. 和, we will continue to place sustainability at the centre of our projects ensuring a long-term positive impact on the places and communities that we are operating within.

“We also remain in active discussions with potential partners in new cities as our geographic expansion continues. While we’re mindful about the recessionary climate we enter in 2023 and we don’t anticipate to repeat the boost in profits seen in 2022, 我们的长期方针, based on investing in the specialist infrastructure needed to support science and tech businesses, should see our assets fare better in any revaluation movements experienced across the wider real estate market.”

