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An Interview with Andrew

We thought we’d take five and have a chat with Andrew Hill, our Solution Architect, 来了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他在Ampersand的工作,以及他对新常态下电子商务世界的看法.


通过定义有效的解决方案并帮助客户从投资中获得价值,我帮助客户获得最佳的“物有所值”. I have a varied workload, 这包括让我在项目早期就站在客户面前,帮助确定范围, phases and budgets.

一旦解决方案被定义,我就会帮助交付和开发团队理解它们,并确保我们交付了我们所承诺的. 我与QA团队合作,帮助定义解决方案的详细验收标准,以便客户可以在我们定义的解决方案上签字. 大多数时候,我与技术团队和非技术团队一起工作, helping to bridge the gap between them.

What was your path to Ampersand?

I started my career with an engineering degree, 这让我进入了一些技术学科,但实际上我在Centrica(英国天然气公司)做了一个更实用的业务分析师. 随着时间的推移,这个角色变得越来越技术化,所以我重新把注意力集中在编程和网络开发上. I left Centrica to set up my own web development company with two friends; this actually coincided with me emigrating to Cyprus! After seven years I returned to the U.K,并在一家CRM公司担任开发经理,在那里我管理了一个开发团队四年, building bespoke web apps and mobile apps. 然后,我于2015年十大正规博彩网站评级Ampersand,担任首席开发人员,并于2018年担任解决方案架构师.

What’s kept you here for five years?

Over the last five years, we’ve purposefully changed how we deliver transformation projects, and the challenges inherent with that, along with the varied client work, are of real value to me.

While Ampersand is client-focussed, we also have a very strong technical pillar, which obviously informs our reputation as an agency. Coming from a technical background, 在一个我们对强者给予适当重视的环境中工作是很棒的, resilient and effective technical solutions. We don’t cut corners.

和我一起工作的团队(我们的客户团队和我们的内部团队)真的很棒,所以很多时候感觉不像是在工作. 与客户合作帮助他们实现目标是我最享受的事情.


我们继续与一些真正令人兴奋的品牌和零售商合作,他们有很多问题需要解决. One of our clients is in the process of transforming their stores nationwide; meanwhile they’ve engaged Ampersand to realise their ambition of trading online. These opportunities are ideal in many ways for Ampersand to take on, with our strong technical offering, 十年的零售经验和我们独特的加速器方法(在接下来的几个月你会听到更多).


我认为很多人现在购物时首先考虑的是网上购物,他们意识到有大量的产品和服务可以直接送到他们家门口. 因此,我们看到越来越多的零售商投资于他们的电子商务战略,并提出了创新的方式来展示和营销他们的产品和服务.

你认为未来几年零售商将面临怎样的变化? (no pun intended)

我相信许多零售商都意识到,通过改进搜索和销售工具,他们可以更有效地开展业务. 这些工具帮助客户快速找到他们想要的东西并提高转化率,但它们也将高价值和受欢迎的产品推到消费者的鼻子底下. 机器学习和人工智能在这些领域的兴起也将带来更个性化的购物体验, with richer, more relevant journeys presented to shoppers on every visit. We work closely with various search, 销售和个性化服务提供商帮助零售商迅速利用这项技术进入市场.

近年来,人们对增强现实技术在电子商务领域的兴起议论纷纷,但我们从未看到零售商和品牌真正探索这一领域的证据. 我认为,底层技术缺乏明确的方向意味着这种情况不太可能在短期内改变. 当然,这一流行病的影响可能加速这一领域的发展.


The way the whole team has transitioned to a remote-first workplace, picking up new techniques and tools to achieve this, has been fantastic. 在新常态下,我看到自己再次访问客户网站,在全球最大的博彩平台办公室工作,与团队保持联系,并进行一些与工作无关的聊天和开玩笑, which is something that I’ve missed working remotely.

Having said that, 在过去的五个月里,在家工作有它的好处:上下班总是很顺利,我也可以和波比一起出去玩(见下文)。!

Andrew's home office set up

Poppy hanging out under the desk!

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