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Full-Stack Senior Ruby Engineer (Contract)

Initforthe Ltd - - - - - -全球最大的博彩平台

Freelancer / self-employed
£350-450 per day
9 November 2021

Full-Stack Senior Ruby Engineer (Contract)


我们在Initforthe不断成长,我们正在寻找一些优秀的人才十大正规博彩网站评级我们的使命 build software that helps 人 be their best selves at work.

In simple terms, we’re looking for a self-sufficient senior engineer, capable of working in Rails, Javascript and CSS to work on our client projects.

You will work directly 与 our clients, sometimes solo (but 与 support from the broader team), so great non-technical communication skills are imperative; experience in client work is a major plus.

Initforthe builds line-of-business software; you might not be building the next Twitter or Uber, but the code you write will be used 每一个 day by real 人, usually as a core part of their daily lives. A strong focus on the user experience, and frequent collaboration 与 the 人 using our software, are both key to our success.

这是一个 完全远程 role, but is only (sorry!) open to those based 在 UK at present.


  • Work directly 与 clients & 用户 (not necessarily the same 人!) to build great software.
  • Understand the underlying 用户需要 behind a feature request. Solve that 用户需要 -- don’t just “tick a feature box”. If you’re not sure, ask! 客户端是 part of the team.
  • Break down larger “projects” into user stories.
  • Keep the client 在 loop; frequent demos and status updates make sure we’re solving the 正确的问题正确的方式, and not burning time unnecessarily.
  • 用Ruby和Javascript编写高质量、经过适当测试、可维护的代码.
    • We use Rails, Hotwire and Tailwind as our core stack.
    • 我们为之奋斗 enough, appropriate 测试覆盖率; knowledge of testing frameworks such as RSpec and Jasmine is a must.
    • We ask for senior engineers because we grant a lot of latitude; in general, we will trust you to own the codebase you’re working 与in, know your tools, practices and patterns, and get on 与 delivering value for our clients.
  • 评估(& 得到了!) pull requests as needed on more complex features.

What is it like to work here?

As Managing Director, 我的角色每天都不一样,所以我让我的团队用他们自己的话来说:

Working 与 the team at Initforthe is like a breath of fresh air;  my previous engagement was 与 a large multi-national organisation and I was simply treated as a number.  作为工程师,我们与最终用户保持着一定的距离,这很快就变得乏味了.  然而,自从十大正规博彩网站评级Tomislav和团队以来,我现在觉得自己的工作很有价值, 我可以亲眼看到结果,并直接与软件用户交谈.

我目前合作的客户非常投入,知道他想要什么,但不一定要如何实现它, that's where we come in; we are part of their team and we're treated like it. Being included in strategic conversations beyond the scope of our project is part of what we do; not only because it helps our clients achieve but it also allows us to understand their medium to long-term aspirations, therefore we can (if required) cater for these earlier on. We're not afraid to ask questions.

Our workload is ultimately defined by the client. 我们将共同努力,以确定完成一件工作所需的门票, 然后我会十大正规博彩网站评级验收标准和相关的时间估计. 从那时起,这就取决于客户了,因为他们对任务的优先级负有部分责任.

As tickets are completed and reviewed 与 the client, 它们被合并并立即部署到现场,这使我们能够快速有效地满足客户的需求.

We're a small but dedicated team who take pride in our work; trust, honestly and flexibility are a given.

— 保罗•德宾, Senior Ruby Engineer

What skills do you need?

  • 4年以上ruby工程师经验,工作经历丰富.
  • 至少有一个Javascript框架的前端工作经验,有基本的CSS知识.
  • 在一般情况下, 问问你自己“我是否具备构建一个良好架构所必需的技术技能?, well tested order processing system from scratch?”
  • Prior experience owning a project from start to finish.
    • This could be a large feature in a large application, or an entire application, or an open source project.
    • You might have been leading a team or working solo.
    • 我们要找的是能够采取一些未指明的和复杂的东西, and break it down into a set of specific, achievable technical tasks,通过工作 .
  • Prior experience working 与 non-technical stakeholders.
    • This may be the same project as discussed above.
  • Great verbal and written communication skills.
    • We know this is in 每一个 职位描述,但当直接与用户工作时,这是必须的.
    • Can you describe what you’re going to build, and how it is going to work, in a way that a non-technical person can understand?
    • Can you interpret what other 人 say, and turn that into a clear technical plan of action?
    • Without the ability to communicate clearly and effectively, you can’t be sure you’re building the right thing.

What does the interview process look like?

  1. 我们将用大约30分钟的时间就你的技能和经验进行简短的交谈.
  2. 我们会要求你用Ruby on Rails和Javascript完成一份技术评估. We’d expect this to take no longer than about 2 hours. 如果您有任何Ruby或Ruby on Rails的开源项目,您可以将它们发送给我们.
  3. We’ll have a longer conversation 与 you (about 90 minutes), 在这里我们将讨论您的技术评估(或开源项目?!), and have a longer chat about your experience.

This will include about 45 minutes pairing on 要么 an enhancement to the technical test, or 一个小型的自包含ruby任务,取决于您在第2步中发送给我们的内容.

How much are we paying?

We're looking for 人 to stay 与 us for the longer term. We have two options:

  1. 12 month contract 与 option to renew: £350-450 per day
  2. Permanent full-time position: £70,000-90,000 per year

If you're looking for flexibility, this is available too, 所以,当你申请的时候,请让我们知道你在这方面想要什么.

What are the "perks"?

  • The standard 28 days holiday (not a perk), plus bank holidays, 加上圣诞节期间的两周停工(银行假期和圣诞节不计入28天)*
  • 一台电脑(Windows, Linux, macOS) - Macbook Pro或同等产品*
  • 每周35小时工作制
  • Calm, stress-free environment to work in. We don't do pressure-cooker development
  • 完全灵活的工作安排-如果你需要接你的孩子或想带你的狗去散步, 或者在一天的中间花几个小时做一些不同的事情, 这很好!
  • 诚实、开放、友好的文化氛围,鼓励讨论和发表意见. We're not a family, but we are a great team
  • 远程. 永久.

* permanent positions only

How do you apply?


PS. 如果你是一名招聘人员,我们不需要帮助填写这张表格,所以请不要全球最大的博彩平台.

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