
工程师# 2

Equal Care Co-op -



我们认为,英国目前的社会护理体系已经严重受损. Equal Care's 任务 is to put power back where it belongs: in the hands of the people who give and receive care. We help people giving and receiving care to develop meaningful relationships through our unique, 分散的结构. 我们是行业的先驱 平台合作运动 并严重依赖技术创新, making it possible to cut out tiers of managers and give that money to the people who do the direct support: our wonderful care and support workers.

In 2022, 我们提供的护理时间翻了一番, whilst maintaining our exceptional turnover rate of 4% (compared to an industry average of 39%). 接下来的一年, we're learning how to grow the decentralised model with a view to expand outside of Calderdale.


通过与全合作社的人紧密合作, 您将了解是什么使我们的模型如此特别,是什么阻碍了它. 你的工作就是找到解决这些问题的办法. It's an extremely varied role, and that's exactly what we find exciting about it.


这个职位对任何有资格在英国工作的人开放. The vast majority of work is remote but travel to Hebden Bridge and London for occasional workshops (such as co-design sessions with our members) will be necessary based on what work we're doing. 在过去的一年里,这个数字大约是一个月一次. 我们的另一位工程师马特在全球最大的博彩平台生活和工作. 如果你也住在那里,那就加分了!


You’ll be working full-time for compensation up to £50,000, depending on experience. This role is also available part-time for the right candidate (minimum 3 days a week).


每年30天的假期. 4.5%退休金供款.


Equal Care is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 我们禁止任何形式的种族歧视和骚扰, 肤色, 性, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 国家的起源, 残疾, 遗传信息, 怀孕, 或任何其他受保护的特征.


马特 是我们的首席软件工程师吗. You'll be joining him as the second engineer with a view to train and take over the daily operation of the Equal Care platform by the end of 2023, 当马特减少到每月几天的时候.

平等关怀需要 Sociocratic approach to organisation; our structure is formed of a distributed network of "circles" that have power over their particular domain. Our engineering approach is to build a toolbox that these circles can reach into and choose to take advantage of in order to organise their care and support needs.

每个圆都可以在很多方面与其他圆不同. We observe and experiment with common themes that appear in order to nudge our circles towards building themselves up to be healthy and resilient. Software Engineers at Equal Care are responsible for the end-to-end process of turning those observations into experiments, 并将这些实验转化为精心设计的功能.

Over the first nine months, your job role will encompass these kinds of responsibilities:

  • 月1
    • 认识团队, 了解平等关怀的过去, 现在和将来, introduce yourself across the organisation and begin to craft relationships with people who enjoy engaging with the platform.
    • Take in the technical big picture and dive into some of the more crucial areas like our Neo4J数据库、我们的权限数据模型和我们的AWS基础设施.
    • 消除一些bug来熟悉主栈.
  • 第2 - 4个月
    • 接管一个特征域的责任并塑造它的发展.
    • 熟悉新功能的设计、构建、测试和监控.
    • Craft internal tools that engineers use to maintain the platform quickly and easily.
  • 个月5 - 9
    • 专注于我们想要实现的长期目标和模式. 倡导并拥有实现这些目标的进展.
    • Form a deeper understanding of where you want to take your role and the platform.
    • Work closely with 马特 to define how the Equal Care engineering circle should progress from here.


Equal Care is a very values-led organisation and we need you to feel strongly about our values as well. 通过承担这个角色, you’ll be making important decisions that significantly affect the lives of all of our members. Holding ourselves accountable to the same set of values is crucial to making choices that resonate with our members' needs.

There is one value we ask everyone in our community to bring and to uphold: mutual care for one another. Complementing that core value, we aim to be hyper-accessible, open and transparent. 在我们的世界里,我们不会“快速行动,打破常规”, “things” are people and their relationships to one another and they’re far too important to break.

平等关怀正在寻找未来的领导者, but the specifics of how this happens is down to where your personal goals overlap with organisational ones. 我们所做的, 然而, believe that there are some qualities that will be extremely important to have in order to lead successfully at this stage of our growth:

  • 你一定是“一个人的经理”. 《全球最大的博彩平台》充满了伟大的想法,但缺乏足够的时间来实现它们. A crucial part of your role is to own decisions about what to spend time on; it could be features for our 预订系统, 我们的数字药物管理记录, 帮助我们的工人在轮班时找到掩护的工具 任何成为直接障碍的东西 我们的成长或质量.
  • 你必须有隐私意识. We deal with sensitive information about people and we must treat that data with the respect and due care that it deserves.
  • 你必须有无障碍意识. This doesn’t mean lighthouse scores; this means real-world, messy interactions with our services. Many of our members will never use a computer directly but our services must be accessible to them in one form or another.
  • You must have experience and be comfortable with early-stage companies and the uncertainty inherent within them. 我们仍在证明我们的模型在更大规模上是可行的. There will often be no clear answers to a question but you will be empowered to find them.



  • 熟练使用TypeScript
  • 对Docker的理解

这是你将要使用的技术的一部分. We're not looking for someone who knows everything; as long as you can learn quickly, 你会非常适合的。

  • Neo4J
  • 巢(打印稿)
  • 下一个(打印稿)
  • 火箭聊天
  • Keycloak
  • 基于ECS的AWS Cloudformation
  • 可行的(尽管我们想摆脱这个)


If making a difference to social care and taking on more responsibility sounds like something you're looking for, 那么请通过以下方式与我们联系 jobs@equalcare.鸡笼.


